Well-dressed man in city on mobile phone

Today’s public safety and justice organizations are on a continuing path to IT modernization.

For more than 40 years, we have built a deep understanding of homeland security, criminal justice and public safety challenges here in the United States. We've secured 570,000 federal systems, modernized enterprise resource planning across 180+ federal organizations and we harness the power of data insights to inform data-driven decisions with real-life impact.

Our portfolio of services and solutions enables the U.S. government to advance homeland security, crime prevention and community policing, threat detection and analysis, judicial administration and border protection. 

Securing the forgotten risk vector: firmware

Firmware is ubiquitous in any IT environment. The code—usually hardwired onto a microchip—bridges the hardware and software in any computer, including Internet of Things devices and other surprising places.

Because it is hidden and because it can be difficult to update, many IT organizations pay little attention to developing cybersecurity strategies.

That omission can be a costly mistake. CGI Vice President Chris Lavergne and Director Dave Crawford, both cybersecurity experts, join CGI Voices host Pete Tseronis on this podcast episode to explain the current state of firmware and how agencies can better account for it in their planning.