Federal government

Resource center

July 29 - August 1, 2024 CGI is a proud sponsor of this year’s NPMA NES conference. Stop by our booth and meet the CGI team and ask out our Sunflower User Group. NPMA is the leading membership association for personal property and fixed-asset professionals.

July 29 - August 1, 2024 CGI is a proud sponsor of this year’s NPMA NES conference. Stop by our booth and meet the CGI team and ask out our Sunflower User Group. NPMA is the leading membership association for personal property and fixed-asset professionals.

CGI building
Life at CGI

Thriving in your career without barriers

June 24, 2024 Embracing inclusivity and empowerment at CGI I've been with CGI for almost 15 years and am currently a Director on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Team. My role primarily focuses on fostering an inclusive culture and ensuring a sense...

John Nemoto
John Nemoto

Preparing for AI in federal agencies

June 20, 2024 Preparing to implement AI requires a sober assessment of your existing capabilities and processes, an analysis of potential use cases and, often, some preliminary work on cleaning and securing access to data.

John Nemoto
John Nemoto

Preparing for AI in federal agencies

June 20, 2024 Preparing to implement AI requires a sober assessment of your existing capabilities and processes, an analysis of potential use cases and, often, some preliminary work on cleaning and securing access to data.

John Nemoto
John Nemoto

Harnessing AI as a cybersecurity game-changer

June 18, 2024 Artificial intelligence offers almost unlimited potential to reshape traditional methods of achieving business and mission objectives. While many detractors will point to the potential threats that AI poses to privacy and security, another potential positive application of AI is rapidly...

This Clue-themed workshop, developed and facilitated by CGI, allows teams to put their investigative skills to work, learning how to ask the right questions to solve challenges experienced by everyone else involved in a successful post-award execution