CGI Federal Sunflower Asset Management Solutions 

Asset managers in federal agencies and other organizations are responsible for tracking thousands or millions of assets, which are essential for their missions and spread across multiple locations – often worldwide.

CGI Federal's Sunflower Asset Management solutions support the entire asset lifecycle, ensuring accountability and operational success. Enabling managers to monitor the physical location, maintenance status, and accounting information across the whole asset management lifecycle on a granular scale, Sunflower is the asset management system of choice for more than 75 organizations. This video provides a breakdown of Sunflower’s capabilities and applications.


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federal organizations use Sunflower
U.S. and worldwide locations rely on Sunflower
4.2 million
client assets are managed, with a value of over $80 trillion

Sunflower portfolio spotlight

Learn more about the integrated capabilities our asset management solutions enable below.

Sunflower Assets
Real Property Management

The Sunflower Real Property solution provides comprehensive tracking, reporting and management of all real property assets, such as land, buildings and other structures.

Learn more about the solution

Sunflower Mobile

Sunflower mobile solutions bring your asset data to a handheld device, simplifying asset receiving, physical inventory and excess management.

Solutions for Government Contracts
Business Intelligence

Sunflower Business Intelligence is a reporting and analysis tool for Sunflower data. This solution allows organizations to create and view real-time reports and graphs of Sunflower data holistically and efficiently. Sunflower Business Intelligence empowers data-driven decision-making, improves auditing accuracy and streamlines otherwise manual processes.

Sunflower Soraya Views

Sunflower Soraya Views brings the most common Sunflower transactions to Windows, Android and iOS mobile platforms to make asset management easier than ever.

Accurate reporting of physical assets presents unique challenges for financial managers. While tracking the physical location, movement and utilization of assets is a discipline in itself, an organization’s financial management operation is responsible for ensuring that spending, capitalization and custodial information are all correctly recorded and accounted for. 

A lack of integration between the financial, procurement, and asset management systems may result in the assets not being capitalized on the general ledger, or in the loss of visibility of the asset’s custodial information, location, and condition after deployment. Events may happen to an asset during its lifecycle that materially affect its book value, such as capital improvements or impairments, transfers of custody, or disposal. The impacts of these events may not be reflected on the general ledger without a link to the asset records. 

Sunflower integrates with Momentum®, CGI’s built-for-federal financial management solution. Download the brochure to learn more about how the integration benefits federal agencies.

Sunflower and Momentum integration

Man sitting in front of a computer and mobile phone in left hand, with several graphs on the computer screen

Sunflower Customer Care Support Center

The Sunflower Service Desk provides customers with a streamlined submission process for help desk requests, tools you can use to get answers, and full access to product documentation, release notes and more.

Visit the Sunflower Customer Care Support Center

Sunflower Customer Care Support Center

Want to learn more about our Sunflower solutions? Get in touch with us by filling out the form below.