Team discussing a project together

Drive better outcomes through a shift-left approach

As the demand for new digital products accelerates, faster time to market puts additional pressure on quality engineering and testing functions to keep pace. Lean and agile practices help accelerate development timeframes, but organizations do not want to sacrifice quality for the sake of speed.

In quality engineering (QE), the focus “shifts left” to prevent defects and build-in quality by capturing requirements and tests simultaneously versus the traditional quality assurance approach of discovering defects after the fact.

Automated Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) is the catalyst for effective engineering enablement. Moving to an automation-first testing approach requires breaking down silos, prioritizing quality, unifying requirements, and tests, and fostering cross-functional collaboration. Our digital enablers and test automation accelerators help clients achieve their desired engineering enablement end-state:

Male programmer coding with three monitors

CGI’s SimpliTest: Automated ATDD accelerator

Testing earlier in the software and product development process reduces costs, improves quality and speeds time to market, lowering risk and technical debt. CGI’s SimpliTest accelerates test automation to enable proactive, shift-left quality engineering.

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Female programmer coding with two monitors

CGI TestSavvy: Automated test case builder

CGI TestSavvy empowers testers to manage automated test cases through an easy and flexible web portal, reducing timeframes, costs and risks, and increasing test coverage to 60%-80%.

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We also offer advisory services around engineering enablement, quality engineering, quality automation, DevSecOps, continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) pipeline, and training and upskilling.

Three colleagues working agiley at a computer
Labor hour savings on average per sprint
Improvement in cycle time
Engineers upskilled from functional testing to QE automation
Fully automated
User story testing and test evidence capturing in the application life cycle management tool
Doctor and nurse discussing report

Adopting agile while improving quality

A large healthcare organization built in quality and increased automated user story testing efficiency by 23%, using CGI’s SimpliTest.

Bank building

Moving to quality engineering saves US$1 million

 A top tier bank shifted testing further left, supported by CGI’s SimpliTest, saving nearly 40,000 labor hours and US$1 million in 2023.  

Person using mobile phone in streets

Scaling a telco’s testing capability through automation

A large communications provider created highly complex automated regression tests, while automated tests continued to execute unattended using CGI TestSavvy, saving ~40 labor hours per day.  

Our testing services portfolio

Our broad portfolio of testing services covers the full testing lifecycle and extends across technologies, industries and geographies. Our testing frameworks, methodologies and tools enable automation in weeks, not months, while saving costs, decreasing time-to-market and improving quality. They include the following:

Strategic consulting and quality management
  • Quality engineering and testing maturity assessment (CMMI/TMM)
  • Future state model and implementation roadmap
  • Quality engineering/testing center of excellence implementation
  • Program/project management
  • Early quality involvement
  • Business acceptance
Quality engineering and testing management and execution
  • Program/project management
  • Outsourcing
  • Global delivery
  • Program/project management
  • Agile testing
  • Test data management
  • Load and stress testing
  • Scalability and volume testing
  • Performance monitoring and tuning
Security assurance
  • Vulnerability and penetration testing
  • Application infrastructure testing and hardening
  • Application security consulting
  • Automated test service management (ATSM)
  • Automation assessment, strategy and implementation
  • Technology-specific solutions (ERP, SOA, TIBCO, SAP, etc.)
  • User acceptance testing and operational readiness testing
  • Accessibility, usability and privacy testing
  • Test infrastructure and test data support services
  • Mobile and embedded testing
  • Agile, mobile and testing certification training
  • Regulatory and compliance testing