Rich Hampshire
Rich Hampshire

Paving the path to a digitalized energy system


The role of data and digitalization in energy and climate transitions is unquestionably growing. As other sectors look to accelerate their own journeys toward net zero by decarbonizing their energy...

CGI's Manufacturing Practice
CGI's Manufacturing Practice

The green mining technology leap in northern Sweden


Recently, HYBRIT, a Swedish green steel venture announced the delivery of the world’s first fossil-free steel or “green steel” to carmaker, Volvo. A few weeks later, Mercedes-Benz also announced their...

Annette Trenz

How smart factories can enable sustainable manufacturing


The growing global pressure from government, financial institutions and consumers will soon make sustainability mandatory, pushing it higher on the C-suite agenda. For manufacturers, this means weaving sustainability into the...

Tara McGeehan
Tara McGeehan

The business benefits to joining the Race to Zero


Reflecting on the past few months since CGI committed to achieve net zero globally before 2030, I have seen businesses come together to collaborate and take urgent action in the...