CGI’s comprehensive SDS Authoring Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) enables organizations to achieve a predictable, sustainable and cost-effective chemical compliance model. Key services and solutions include:

  • CGI ProSteward360®: Compliant SDS documents are generated in pre-configured formats and languages to meet obligations in countries around the world using ProSteward360. This global, end-to-end hazard communication and regulatory compliance software suite supports some of the largest chemical and oil and gas companies in the world.

  • Expert resources: Our experienced and dedicated staff of hazard communication professionals include experts in transportation, dangerous goods, toxicology and chemical classification.

  • Streamlined processes: Our centralized request portal enables efficient submission of work requests and tracking through to completion.  

  • Secure infrastructure: CGI hosts the application server, database and software in our world-class data center to provide high availability, intrusion detection and prevention, and disaster recovery.

  • Outcome-based pricing: Billing is aligned with completed requests, (e.g. an SDS) rather than effort expended, delivering increased transparency and measurable savings to your organization and business lines.

Benefits of SDS Authoring BPaaS include:

  • Visibility throughout the process - Whether submitting a single request or managing bulk updates associated with regulatory list updates, CGI’s request portal allows you to submit your request, track the progress as the SDS is authored by our experienced staff, goes through an extensive quality assurance process, and is readied for your final approval in line with industry leading service levels and quality standards.

  • Flexible, scalable and modular - While CGI’s SDS Authoring BPaaS is designed to manage all of the components of chemical regulatory compliance, if you are not looking to move to a completely outcome-based model at this time, CGI can tailor a solution to your needs.

  • Regulatory consulting - Unsure where your gaps are or how to improve your existing processes? Our world-class experts can provide regulatory consulting to help identify ways to improve your compliance processes or prepare for emerging regulatory requirements in the most comprehensive and cost-effective manner. Â