Service sharing helps Scottish Government deliver more value

Scottish Government is responsible for most of the issues of day-to-day concern to the people of Scotland. They look after health, education, justice, rural affairs, and transport. Their aim is to use government and public services to build a more successful country. They do this by creating opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth.

The challenge

In order to help Scotland to achieve sustainable economic growth, the Scottish Government works through a number of public sector bodies and agencies. These are, in effect, its customers. These customers have diverse needs, for example one is responsible for supervising Scottish bankruptcies, while another is responsible for child welfare. The challenge for Scottish Government was to provide a shared IT service that met all their different customers’ needs.

Our answer

We work with Scottish Government in a number of ways.

The main component has been working with Anne Moises and her team to launch “Scots Connect,” an expanding portfolio of ICT-related shared services available to the broader public sector across Scotland. These services have proved popular.

But to help deliver even more value for Scottish Government and its customers, we have been trying to better understand the customers’ needs, so the service complements these needs. As part of this, we launched a business planning and technology strategy service which allows the agencies to better define a coherent IT program that will really support their business goals.

More recently, we helped Scottish Government undertake a major refresh of its technical infrastructure to offer a modern and efficient service. This has given them more control over the 11,000 user estate by allowing automatic shutdown of PCs at a given time. This has saved £130,000 per annum on the Scottish Government’s electricity costs.

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