
Resource center

Using your best guess, what proportion of data-driven decision-making in your enterprise is focused on reducing errors and what proportion on identifying value-creating innovations?

Embracing change to manage cost and risk in the extended healthcare ecosystem The healthcare industry--including all partners, suppliers and advisors--is being inundated with new challenges. Meeting the expectations of digitally aware consumers, improving patient care, adopting new medical devices and...

The Problem with the Future is the Past For more than a decade, U.S. healthcare and related enterprises have struggled to comply with the data privacy requirements of government regulations--not entirely for technical reasons, but also because the healthcare industry...

Preventing adverse events by mining “triggers” in patient data How can hospitals improve patient safety when their own symptoms of malady are not reported? According to the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), hospitals need more effective ways to identify events...

Changing Views, Changing Direction Delivering healthcare is one of the most complex human activities. In recent decades, major transitions have taken place in diagnostics, pharmaceuticals and treatments resulting in shorter length of stay in healthcare facilities. The current transition to...

Today’s financial and budgetary pressures have pushed governments to explore new ways to generate revenues, increase collections and reduce costs without raising taxes. With government agencies frequently running aging legacy systems and outdated information technology (IT) infrastructure, truly enhancing support...

CGI’s Responsive, Collaborative Digital Architecture (RCDA) approach delivers the level of responsiveness needed in today’s fast-changing business world. In this paper, learn how this agile- and collaborative-driven approach to architecture helps your organization respond to change continuously at speed, while...

CGI’s experience demonstrates that retiring the mainframe platform can save up to 90% of its associated operating expenses, reduce time for competitive upgrades and more. Yet, a mix of inertia and misunderstanding of what it takes to realize these savings...