Optimize operations with AI-enabled IT performance

To prevent, identify and resolve high-severity outages and other IT operations challenges at speed, businesses are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) for IT operations (AIOps). Availability of historical data and identification of routine tasks enables AIOps for any business process where events and incidents are handled. 

Organizations looking to optimize operations to mitigate a high volume of redundant tasks across complex systems can use Unified Platform for Responsive and Intelligent IT (UPRiIT), a unified, AI-enabled system that proactively detects and remediates incidents at scale.

Systems integration programmer writing code
Colleagues meet around a table.

Increase your ServiceNow ROI with CGI expertise and automation

UPRiIT resides over ServiceNow IT operations management (ITOM). It delivers AIOps platform functions through ServiceNow Event Intelligence, Service Mapping, topology from Configuration Management Database (CMDB) and historical ticket data for routine problems from ServiceNow IT Service Management and Predictive Intelligence, using training data to determine remedial actions and auto-remediation through IntegrationHub or the libraries from CGI SiteReliability360.

It is suitable to be deployed in CGI MSP ServiceNow instances to elevate level of CGI support automation. UPRiIT can also be deployed to any client-owned ServiceNow Professional instance.

Key features:

  • Automatically remediate routine incidents
  • Integrate with existing monitoring tools and automation platforms for zero-touch service management
  • Leverage client-owned ServiceNow instance and wealth of historical ticket data for solution prediction
  • Increase ITOps insights to enhance decision-making
  • Reduce alert noise


Key benefits:

  • Improved customer experience, resulting in retention, renewal
  • Reduced operating costs to be more competitive
  • Reduced toil resulting in employee experience
  • Accelerated business velocity due to ability to deploy more changes following auto-remediation
  • Increased ROI from ServiceNow
  • Proven expertise and best practice provided by CGI to implement ServiceNow AIOps