At CGI, we respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. In this privacy notice, we explain why and how we process your personal data when using the ASOP SUITE (the “Suite”). The Suite is controlled by CGI Inc., 1350 René-Lévesque Blvd West, 25th floor, Montréal, H3G 1T4, Canada.

The Personal Data We Collect and Why

The Suite comprises 22+ vendors and CGI developed applications that are used for delivery of Application Services, which may include ticketing/task management, collaboration, development, and reporting (metrics, analytics, KPIs) purposes. Collaboration within the Suite for licensed users includes the collection of only necessary names (first and last names) and email addresses of users.

This data is collected as a user of the Suite to enable us to provide technical support to the tickets/requests you submit to the Suite, delivery and planning of associated tasks, assignment of work, communication on work items, provide workload planning to enable measuring effort expended in delivering application services, collaborating on project artifacts, and for calculating metrics.

The names and email addresses of users may be visible to any licensed user in the system (depending on application in use, role and access levels). When the collaboration features are utilized within the Suite with our clients, the names and email addresses within the system are visible.

Legal Basis for Processing Your Personal Data

In the context of the Suite, we rely on Legitimate Interest to process your personal data, reflecting CGI’s need to provide collaboration and support to users of CGI’s ASOP Suite. These can be CGI Partners or CGI client users.

Data Transfer and Security Safeguards

The Suite is hosted on CGI datacenters behind reverse proxy. There are 6 instances of ASOP – In North America and Europe. CGI leverages an Enterprise Security Management Framework based on recognized industry standards (such as ISO 27001, NIST, COBIT, CIS, etc.).

In certain instances where there are transfers of personal data between CGI legal entities, CGI governs and protects such data through the approved CGI Binding Corporate Rules. When processing personal data within the Suite, we may share your personal data with the following third-party entities: Atlassian (and their third-party vendors), Webmethods, CAST, SonarQube, Gitlab, Postgres, and R/Shiny. We require each provider to comply with applicable data protection legislation.

How Long We Keep Your Personal Data

CGI is committed to not keeping your personal data for any longer than is strictly necessary regarding the purpose for which your personal data is collected and processed, or as defined in the customer contract.

Your Rights as a Data Subject

Data subjects have several rights under Applicable Data Protection Legislation, such as right to request access to their Personal Data held by CGI and/or information about how CGI Processes their Personal Data. To exercise your rights, or to register a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data, please send an email to or write to the attention of the Office of CGI Chief Privacy Officer at Immeuble Carré Michelet, 10-12 Cours Michelet, 92800 Puteaux, France. CGI may need to ask a Data Subject further questions in relation to their personal data, to verify their identity and/or ensure that their request is legitimate and comply with applicable data protection legislation. If your request is not adequately addressed by contacting CGI’s Privacy Office, you may have the right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate data protection authority.


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