30+ years
average relationship tenure with world's largest energy and utilities companies
energy data platforms in 10 countries developed and maintained, with never a single message lost


World-leading metering data processing performance:

The Meter Data Management module supports extremely high-volume metering data, and is capable of ingesting and processing near-real- time data.


Market-driven roadmap ensures continued alignment:

CGI continuously aligns the CMS roadmap with market developments and our clients’ needs through our yearly Central Market Debate event, regular flexibility roundtables and innovation discussions

Highly adaptable data model to support your market processes now and in the future:

CMS is highly configurable and allows easy adaptation to market changes in daily operations.

Reduced implementation costs and overall TCO:

CMS reduces the costs of adaptation and integration and is also is capable of leveraging the advantages of the cloud, further reducing the cost of infrastructure.

Proven implementation processes:

CMS uses automated testing on a system and market process-level that is reused and applied to implementation projects.

Time to market:

CMS is a modular solution that offers off-the-shelf components enabling quick time to market and reduced implementation costs.

Improving data management and market facilitation

Improving data management and market facilitation

CMS is a modular solution that enables data sharing and communication among all the market parties. It stores information related to smart metering points, consumer contracts and energy measurement data, and offers centralized functionality for grid fee billing and settlement. Its highly configurable data model facilitates different markets and maintains attributes and relationships. CMS also embraces open-standard third-party technologies to allow effective integration.

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Reinvent your business with CGI Central Market Solutions

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Learn more about Fingrid Datahub and CGI

Datahub ready for the next steps

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CGI and Fingrid go live with Datahub, providing Finnish citizens a smarter, cleaner and more flexible energy system

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Fingrid Datahub approaches deployment following successful go-live dress rehearsal

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Fingrid and CGI develop Datahub to support new energy communities and more flexible use of solar energy

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Fingrid and CGI: Developing the energy ecosystem of the future

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Fingrid Datahub Oy selects CGI to develop and run core datahub for electricity information exchange

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Our latest Energy Transition Talks podcast explores the future scenarios that Fingrid (Finland’s state-owned transmission network operator) develops to improve their strategic planning and keep them on course to meet Finland’s net-zero targets. Fingrid executives Mikko Heikkilä, head of strategic grid planning, and Risto Kuusi, senior expert in strategic planning, speak with our energy industry lead in Finland about the goals and benefits of their scenario planning approach.