Local Government

Resource center

The City of Edinburgh Council and IT and business consulting services firm CGI (NYSE: GIB) (TSX: GIB.A), have announced the selection of Access Mosaic to support the transformation of both digital social care and justice social work services in the...

CGI (TSX: GIB.A) (NYSE: GIB), one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world, today announced the successful delivery of ultra-fast rural broadband connectivity to selected sites across Norfolk using Low Earth Orbit satellite technology...

15 - 16 October We are thrilled to return as Joint Main Programme Partners for the National Social Care Conference 2024 with Llesiant Delta Wellbeing, where we will be showcasing how we are committed to driving better outcomes for communities through innovative, tech-driven solutions.

Digital Advisory has made huge progress in promoting inclusive public sector service delivery online but there are still continued challenges and the plans to overcome these to ensure the public sector service is accessible for all - How can we...

CGI formally announced the opening of its Newcastle office in the Newcastle Helix, which houses prominent UK technology and science businesses.

Adam Kobeissi
Adam Kobeissi

The Future of Housing Associations - Improving the tenant experience with automated digital interactions

18 August 2022 Our Conversational AI and Housing expert discusses how Housing Associations can improve the tenant experience by utilising automated digital interactions. With the cost of living at an all-time high and many tenants under increased pressure and stress, their relationship with...

Teachers can monitor and track pupil performance at any time throughout the school year, including in real time using CGI’s Monitoring & Tracking solution.