Elissa Goad professional photo

Elissa Goad

Director, Consulting Expert | U.S. IP Solutions

While most Americans have tried to learn a new language, only 20% speak two or more languages1. To become fluent, learners need to surround themselves with peers or native speakers for conversational practice, leverage the right learning tools and create a strategy for achievable goals that keep them motivated for a challenging journey. 

This idea of the right combination of people, tools, and strategy as indicators of success applies to government digital transformation as well.

Digital transformation can feel overwhelming

Planning for and embarking on a digital transformation effort, especially one as large as an enterprise resource planning (ERP) project, can feel overwhelming. During these projects, government leaders oversee limited budgets, carefully manage governance, and deal with the real impacts on day-to-day operations. Additionally, leaders must balance the expected ROI from the transformation with other organizational priorities. And the human element of transformation cannot be overlooked. It’s critical to incorporate feedback from key stakeholders with differing priorities, gain end-to-end organizational buy-in and overcome the workforce’s resistance to change. 

Overcoming the overwhelm

In the face of these complexities, there is hope. Government organizations can increase the likelihood of on-time, on-budget and on-scope transformations by conducting early strategic planning to reduce the project’s cost, risk and complexity. While no government’s transformation approach is identical, three best practices for modernization are relevant to all organizations. Just like when learning a new language, it’s essential to focus on the people involved in the project, the technology and tools that are leveraged and the strategy and goals that are created. 

ERP transformation: keys to success


It is important to have a technology partner who understands how governments operate and a team committed to transforming operations, not just implementing new technology. Governments should not have to teach their partners about appropriations, why they need 13 or more accounting periods or even what an ACFR is. Transformation partners should proactively recommend increasing operational effectiveness and leveraging the available resources to achieve transformation goals most efficiently. A true strategic partner like this enhances results and is committed to government success long after an organization reaches go live. 


Similarly, governments need an ERP solution built from the ground up to support public sector processes, which are fundamentally different from commercial operations. Starting with a solution with built-in government functionality means eliminating customizations for required processes and only configuring the solution to meet the nuances of each organization. Think about those critical government functions needed today and in the future. These likely include fund accounting, end-to-end grants management, labor cost distribution to support federal funding and reporting requirements and the ability to manage dozens of collective bargaining unit agreements. When these capabilities are built into a solution, the complexity, cost and risk of extending timelines are significantly reduced. So, when looking for technology, seek out and prioritize solutions that truly meet operational needs at both the strategic and tactical levels. 


While each government’s ERP modernization approach will differ, the baseline strategy is likely more similar than you think. Organizations must start planning discussions early, develop a comprehensive organizational change management (OCM) strategy, and adopt an outcomes-focused approach. A clear vision of the future provides valuable perspective at each stage of a transformation, which is important because, at its core, digital transformation is focused on enhancing value and operational efficiency. 

The future of government

Digital transformation projects are critical as we build towards the future of government. Modern technology automates, streamlines and simplifies operations, allowing governments to focus on what matters – delivering excellent citizen services. 

By selecting expert partners, leveraging technology built for the public sector and developing a clear, consistent strategy, governments can reduce overall risk, complexity and cost and achieve true transformation. Connect with our government experts today!

1Dietrich, Sandy, and Erik Hernandez. Rep. Language Use in the United States: 2019.Vol.ACS-50. U.S. Census Bureau, 2022. https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2022/acs/acs-50.pdf.


About this author

Elissa Goad professional photo

Elissa Goad

Director, Consulting Expert | U.S. IP Solutions

Elissa brings more than ten years of experience supporting state, local, and federal government modernization. She has in-depth expertise in translating established and emerging technology into real-world benefits and aligning organizations with solutions that drive their business outcomes now and in the future. Since joining ...