Douglas Leal professional photo

Douglas Leal

Vice-President, Consulting Expert

The utility industry finds itself at a crossroads, wavering between the immense potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize every aspect of energy production and distribution and the weighty concerns of regulations, data security, and ethical considerations. It's a critical juncture demanding careful navigation from utility leaders. How does one harness the transformative power of AI while safeguarding an ethical, responsible, and sustainable future?

Amidst this balancing act, utility organizations grapple with legitimate AI implementation concerns. The unwavering commitment to data privacy remains at the forefront, requiring a pragmatic approach to shield sensitive customer information in alignment with stringent government regulations. Creating a robust defense against model bias is crucial to averting risks in fair pricing, resource allocation, and service delivery. Overlooking ethical considerations, on the other hand, can conceal pitfalls, erode trust, and intensify societal inequalities.

Enter the indispensable player in this narrative: AI governance. AI data governance plays a crucial role in guiding the implementation of responsible solutions. AI governance embodies principles that establish policies and ethical guidelines to regulate the development, deployment, and management of utility AI solutions, ensuring responsible and accountable use. It's not just about mitigating risks; it's about shaping a future where AI benefits organizations responsibly and ethically. Yet, beneath the surface lie challenges that, if unaddressed, could hinder its effective rollout. Tackling these challenges head-on becomes essential to unleash the benefits of responsible AI use in the utility sector.

Strategically implementing AI = governance for success

The success of an AI governance strategy hinges on seamless integration with the organization's operational framework. This integration offers a comprehensive perspective on AI-related business and technological activities. Key factors to consider when rolling out an AI data governance strategy include:

Regulatory compliance for utility data governance

The utility sector is complex and heavily regulated, and compliance poses a significant challenge to operations. Navigating the ever-shifting regulatory landscape around utility AI is a top concern for industry leaders who must ensure systems adhere to current data governance, cybersecurity, and fair business practices.

The regulatory framework for utility AI is continuously evolving, with new laws and guidelines emerging constantly. One notable addition is the White House Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, encompassing five principles and their corresponding practices. This blueprint serves as a comprehensive guide for shaping the design, utilization, and implementation of automated systems, with the overarching goal of safeguarding the rights of the American public in the era of artificial intelligence.

Proactive engagement is equally crucial. Participating in discussions with regulators, collaborating with industry peers, and adopting best practices become indispensable strategies. These efforts ensure compliance with existing regulations and a readiness to adhere to new government guidelines as they emerge. Embracing these principles enables utility leaders to navigate the regulatory landscape while fostering a future where AI is wielded responsibly and ethically in the service of the public.

Data security and privacy

At the heart of AI's engine lies data—the driving force behind the transformative potential for the utility sector. Companies amass vast amounts of customer data, including consumption patterns, billing history, and smart meter readings. Yet, they operate within the confines of a strict regulatory landscape defined by data privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Furthermore, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP) provides a structured framework of compliance standards aimed at enhancing cybersecurity measures for utilities operating within the interconnected jurisdictions of the Bulk Electric System (BES) in North America.

This juxtaposition creates a unique challenge: a delicate scenario where the power of AI must be harnessed while safeguarding the very data that makes it work. It's more than a checkbox on a completion list; it signifies a cultural shift demanding constant vigilance, ongoing monitoring, and proactive investment. It's about building safeguards as agile as AI solutions, constantly adapting to evolving threats and new regulations.

Ethical considerations for utility AI

When it comes to AI, the potential is vast and diverse for utilities - from grid optimization to predictive maintenance, smart grids, and customer empowerment. Amid the excitement, organizations must remain vigilant and recognize the hidden risk: ethical assessment. Failing to address ethical considerations in AI implementations can amplify pre-existing biases, such as the potential for discriminatory pricing and inequitable resource allocation.

Imagine the ramifications: an AI-driven solution determining rate adjustment pricing based on historical data with socioeconomic biases, triggering public backlash and regulatory scrutiny. Transparency is paramount, and AI systems must be built with full model explainability in mind, which is a concept that machine learning models and their output can be explained in a manner that is comprehensible to a human being at an acceptable level. All stakeholders of an organization must understand the decision-making processes of algorithms, actively identifying and mitigating potential biases before they become ingrained in the solution. This process requires regular audits, diverse testing datasets, and clear communication frameworks to explain AI decisions to consumers.

However, transparency alone is not enough. Organizations must establish robust accountability mechanisms, assigning clear responsibility for developing, deploying, and monitoring utility AI systems. Holding individuals and organizations accountable for biased outcomes is a powerful tool for encouraging responsible AI development. Furthermore, continuous monitoring and feedback loops are critical to detecting and addressing emerging biases throughout the AI life cycle. Striking this delicate balance between innovation and ethics is fundamental for AI's responsible and equitable integration in the utilities sector.

What lies ahead for AI governance?

While the challenges are real, the rewards for navigating the AI governance and regulatory landscape are significant. AI-powered grids can optimize energy flow, predict equipment failures, and integrate renewable resources seamlessly. In parallel, AI-driven water management systems are pivotal in reducing leaks, minimizing waste, and ensuring equitable distribution. These opportunities are too significant to ignore. As utilities navigate this AI revolution, the journey shows the promise of innovation and a sustainable and equitable future for energy delivery.

Guiding responsible AI practices

At CGI, we are dedicated to advancing the responsible use of AI. Our approach extends beyond technology – we prioritize the human element, ensuring that AI is a force for positive change. By employing a proven risk framework and helping clients to upskill their workforce, we contribute to the responsible application of AI for real-world benefits.

Organizations and their technology partner should collaborate to develop a comprehensive, ethical AI strategy and framework that navigates the complexity and uncertainty of utility AI. By harnessing its potential responsibly, the utility can drive value from an approach that includes:

  • Adaptable AI strategy that aligns with business goals
  • Value-based strategic intent for the use of utility AI
  • Best practices for balancing ambition and practicality
  • Proven methods that integrate scientific rigor into AI solutions

By incorporating the concept of "humans in the loop," utilities can define the principles, governance structures, and operational models for ensuring trusted outcomes, contributing positively to their internal operations and the broader societal landscape.

Embrace the transition to utility AI with confidence

As a trusted partner, CGI collaborates with clients to shape their AI journey, experiment with tangible use cases, establish future-ready and adaptive foundations, and scale up to accelerate value while operating responsibly. In fiscal 2023, we pledged an investment of $1 billion over three years. This investment aims to expand our AI-centric solutions, foster talent through training and recruitment, devise innovative go-to-market strategies, and broaden the use of AI for operational efficiency and service delivery excellence.

Are you prepared to accelerate your utility AI journey? Discover more about CGI's comprehensive AI services and explore our ongoing thought leadership in AI strategies.

About this author

Douglas Leal professional photo

Douglas Leal

Vice-President, Consulting Expert

With over two decades of expertise, Doug is a seasoned technology leader successfully executing critical data-centric solutions, big data initiatives, analytics, and data engineering strategies. Doug’s expertise spans both enterprise and consulting domains. Trusted advisor of enterprise data architecture for existing and new platforms and ...