Enterprises and government agencies are faced with increasing opportunities and demand for digital customer engagement. By leveraging the market-leading Salesforce customer relationship management (CRM) platform, organizations can quickly achieve quality, efficiency, and scalability in innovative customer management.

Customer success depends upon the ability to create and nurture mutually beneficial relationships, engage customers in relevant conversations, and effectively collaborate within the organization around marketing and customer service. This requires multiple channels for interaction to ensure a positive customer experience with each touchpoint. These interactions are supported by CRM, but systems often fall short of achieving their business goals as organizations struggle with the challenges of implementation or miss opportunities to take advantage of additional functionality.

Our approach puts people at the center

Having the right Salesforce partner makes a difference in how organizations manage change and achieve better adoption and business results. When it comes to Salesforce implementation, CGI’s approach is unique. We put people—users, customers, employees, and partners—at the center. We help organizations succeed in adoption by providing tools customized to their needs so our clients get full value from their Salesforce investment.

CGI’s 2020 Client Global Insights report states that becoming a digital organization to meet customer or citizen expectations is the top IT priority for clients. Maximizing the value of an organization’s investment in CRM is a strategic imperative for many of our clients as they undergo digital transformation.

At CGI, we understand that each client is unique and has different customer goals. We bring Salesforce expertise, certified architects, and customer experience know-how to the table to customize and improve the value of Salesforce to the business. Leveraging our consultative approaches and deep expertise, we believe that 80% of this work can be done without any new code.