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Using ML and AI to improve the collections experience

Lenders are looking for ways to predict customer behavior, leverage conversational AI to provide personalized services and improve the customer collections journey to achieve optimal results. With decades of collections experience and data science expertise, CGI collected data to conceptualize new ways to improve operational efficiencies, reduce bad net debt, and create a hyper-personalized customer experience. CGI Credit Studio’s CACS X for collections with CGI PulseAI delivers an AI- and ML-driven approach to decision-making that harnesses the power of data to transform the collection’s life cycle and realize the future of intelligent collections.

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Intelligent collections transformation

CGI's deep domain knowledge and technology engineering skills deliver AI models that significantly outperform off-the-shelf AI/ML solutions. CGI PulseAI Decisions Engine integrates with any robotic process automation tool through APIs, enabling organizations to enhance their orchestration infrastructure rather than starting from scratch. Our 25+ AI models span many use cases, including document and image classification, information extraction, sentiment analysis, invoice automation, and more. 

Key benefits of CGI PulseAI Decision Engine

Tailor customer journey to improve engagement

CGI PulseAI Decision Engine empowers lenders to use AI and ML approaches to predict customer behavior and enable data-driven decisions to provide personalized treatment strategies to improve customer engagement.

Elevate the customer experience

Conversational AI elevates the customer experience by providing more specialized services and addressing complex problems. Automating the customer experience channel gives customers timely answers to their most common challenges.

Increase contact rates and payments

CGI PulseAI Decision Engine predicts the best channel and time to communicate with customers. Customer contact rates are increased, and net credit losses are reduced through targeted collections.

Drive more action through self-service

Customers continue to prefer self-service options through digital channels. CGI PulseAI Decision Engine allows agentless interactions to drive customers to their own resolutions at their preferred time.


Customized ML-based predictions

CGI PulseAI Decision Engine delivers models to predict customer behavior to show insightful and meaningful results. By creating tailored customer journeys, banks can increase contact rates and reduce net credit losses by targeted collections.

Conversational AI

By automating agent conversations for common scenarios, conversational AI provides human-like conversations to engage in real-time with customers and assist in making payments and answering questions. CGI PulseAI Decision Engine enables an omnichannel, bi-directional customer experience.

Unsupervised AI

CGI PulseAI Decision Engine leverages unsupervised AI to capture key metrics and analyze complex volumes of data. By identifying micro-segments and patterns, unsupervised AI intelligently combines several unsupervised learning methodologies and delivers insights to drive change quickly.

Dynamic rule learner

Using a dynamic rule learner, CGI PulseAI Decision Engine optimizes decision trees automatically by using historical data to drive predictions. Business rules are simplified and improved.

Connect with us to learn more about CGI PulseAI Decision Engine

Ready to learn more about how CGI is using AI and automation to transform collections? Connect with an expert to discover how CGI PulseAI Decision Engine can help predict customer behavior, provide personalized, AI-powered services and improve the customer collections journey.