With the mandate to sunset the Department of Defense’s Standard Procurement System (SPS), defense agencies have the opportunity to transform their acquisition systems.

CGI’s Momentum® Acquisitions is uniquely qualified to provide the DOD with a proven, end-to-end contract writing and acquisitions management system that has been successfully implemented across all branches of the federal government. Momentum Acquisitions is a full lifecycle commercial off the shelf (COTS) contract writing solution that meets DoD’s unique requirements. The system is highly configurable, adapting to complex, changing requirements and policies without code modifications, allowing agencies to “Buy COTS, Stay COTS.”

Specifically designed from the ground up for federal contract writing in compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation/Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (FAR/DFARS), Momentum is a proven, best-in-class system.

Key functionality includes:

  • Acquisitions planning
  • Vendor self-service portal
  • Business process management
  • Document/records management
  • Tracking and reporting
  • Contingency contracting/disconnected operations

Flexible, modern capabilities

Momentum Acquisitions is built upon a flexible, open architecture, providing options for DOD agencies to meet requirements today and in the future:

  • Deployable in government-owned cloud, on-premises or Software as a Service (SaaS) in a multi-tenant government community cloud
  • Mobile features provide users with easily accessible alternatives to the desktop
  • Flexible architecture includes configurable business rules, tailored user experiences and rapid access to information
  • Open standards and DoDAF-compliant SOA simplifies integration of existing DOD systems
  • Adaptable capabilities allow for quick configuration to meet new or modified requirements without changes to code and expensive customizations