Real-time monitoring and predictive analytics using data from the Internet of Things (IoT) are quickly becoming vital for local governments and communities. CGI IoT Data Management for Smart Communities is an advanced data collection, visualization and analysis platform that helps local governments better manage resources, improve planning, make more informed decisions and improve citizens’ quality of life.

Advancing smart city management

CGI IoT Data Management for Smart Communities captures IoT sensor data using CGI’s Kinota, an open-source implementation of the OGC SensorThings API, and stores those data in a scalable cloud-based data repository, allowing visualization and analysis tools to provide real-time insights.

Kinota is now available on GitHub:

Community use cases for CGI IoT Data Management include:

  • Air and water quality monitoring and anomaly detection
  • Transportation demand monitoring
  • Flood prediction
  • Infrastructure monitoring
  • Public safety

Based on industry standards and best practices, CGI IoT Data Management helps local governments and communities improve decision making quality, save time over traditional modeling and analysis approaches and foster smart and connected citizen engagement.

Learn more about CGI capabilities for digital communities.