Achieving Transformative outcomes with CGI AI Advisory Services

CGI’s AI Advisory Services offer cutting-edge solutions and expert guidance to help organizations harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) for transformative outcomes. With a deep understanding of AI technologies and their practical applications, CGI’s team of AI experts provide strategic advice, tailored solutions, and ongoing support to drive innovation and business growth.

Combining responsible AI with human creativity

Realizing the benefits of AI while mitigating the risks requires a combination of responsible AI principles backed up by humans-in-the-loop (HITL). As a trusted AI expert, we combine our data science and machine learning capabilities with deep industry knowledge and technology engineering skills to generate new insights, efficiencies and business models powered by AI.

Key features and benefits

  • AI readiness assessment: CGI works closely with clients to develop a comprehensive analysis of an agency’s AI readiness and provide an AI roadmap aligned with their business goals and objectives. This roadmap outlines the strategic steps required to integrate AI technologies into existing workflows, processes, and systems.
  • AI opportunity assessment: CGI conducts a thorough assessment to identify key areas within an organization where AI can deliver maximum impact. By analyzing existing data, workflows, and processes, CGI helps clients uncover untapped opportunities for AI implementation and optimization.
  • AI solution design and development: CGI leverages its expertise in AI technologies to design and develop custom AI solutions tailored to meet specific client needs. From natural language processing to computer vision and machine learning, CGI’s AI solutions are built to deliver tangible business value.
  • Data strategy and management: CGI assists organizations in developing robust data strategies and implementing effective data management practices to ensure the availability, quality, and security of data required for AI initiatives. This includes data sourcing, cleansing, integration, and governance.
  • Change management and adoption: CGI understands that successful AI implementation requires a cultural shift within organizations. CGI’s change management experts work closely with clients to drive user adoption, provide training, and ensure a smooth transition to AI-powered workflows and processes.
  • Ethics and governance: CGI places a rigorous emphasis on ethical AI practices and governance. Our AI Advisory Services help organizations establish ethical guidelines, compliance frameworks, and governance structures to ensure responsible and transparent use of AI technologies.


Why choose CGI AI Advisory Services?

  • Expertise: CGI brings decades of experience in delivering innovative IT solutions to a wide range of industries. Our team of AI and Industry experts possesses deep industry domain, data science, and AI technology expertise and a proven track record of successful AI implementations.
  • Collaborative approach: CGI believes in close collaboration with clients to understand their unique challenges and requirements. We work as trusted advisors, offering tailored solutions that address specific business needs.
  • End-to-end support: CGI provides comprehensive support throughout the AI journey, from strategy development to solution implementation and beyond. Our team is dedicated to ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of AI initiatives.
  • Proven results: CGI’s AI solutions have helped government agencies achieve tangible results, such as improved operational efficiency, enhanced customer experience, and increased revenue generation.


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