Patrick DeVilbiss:
So, Sunil, we're really thrilled to have you with us, today. We've got some exciting topics to work through and I'm not going to do much of a preamble. I want to really dig right into it. So, Sunil, let's take our lead off question. We were having some back and forth recently and ESG has kind of become one of the major topics of interest across the trade industry. That's environmental, social and governance for those who may not be familiar with the acronym ESG. But if you go to any conference, read any press release, it feels like it is a top of mind topic in both the banking space, as well as the trade space. Your institution, your bank is a leading sustainability bank and has been, for quite some time. Would you be able to share with us and our listeners here maybe what journey you're on, what you've seen in the ESG space and what BMO has been doing in that area?
Sunil Gupta:
Sure, absolutely, Pat. I think that's an excellent topic to start with. ESG is on top of mind I think not just for banks, also for corporates. I think you hit the question quite well when you say it's a journey. I think that's how we have to look at it. What is important to note is that it has transitioned, I think, a lot from what was previously considered as a ‘nice-to-have’ to a ‘must-have’. It's here to stay, but I do think it's in a permanent state of development and, again, depending on where you are and whether you're a corporate or a bank, the journey is very different. I think, let's look at it that way from a corporate perspective, someone who's really advanced in their journey, what they look like, versus someone who's still maturing. Similarly, from a bank perspective, what does a bank look like that's quite advanced in that journey, versus some bank which is still moving or maturing towards that advanced stage?
What we've seen from a corporate perspective, the more advanced clients that have come across to us, you could feel the characteristics that they bring to the table. They're looking at ESG holistically, so they typically would be looking at all three elements, E, S and G. They would probably be using a technological platform which allows them transparency and provides them data. When they look at their risk management principles, it goes beyond just credit risk for their suppliers. They're actually looking at things which are more specific towards how they're adhering to the ESG principles, and whether they're doing that in-house or through a third party, it varies, but they actually have that data and they're analyzing that data in terms of their suppliers.
Another element, I think the most important one, is that they're actually able to influence their entire supply chain through the ESG principle so it's not just relying on the financial KPIs that they typically would use to assess suppliers. They actually have been able to build into their models ESG criteria as well, and through that, have actually been able to channel it into the pricing perspective and that's how they're actually influencing the entire supply chain. That's more of an advanced client that I would've seen that kind of has all these attributes. A more maturing client probably may not be looking at it holistically, maybe focusing on one element, either E, S or G. They probably would not have a platform but they would be open to looking at a third party and maybe trying to leverage some pay-per-use type platform.
Similarly, even for the risk ratings they may be using a third party who is able to provide them with the required information, as opposed to them individually going deeper into their supplier's practices to determine how they would rate that supplier from an ESG perspective. From an influencing perspective of the supply chain, it's possible that they may not be able to influence the entire supply chain, but maybe one or two suppliers that they're specifically focusing on. That's how that process works with clients. That's how they're slowly moving from a maturing stage to an advanced stage. That's kind of how I see it on the client side. On the bank side, it's a bit different. On the bank side, a bank which has really taken ESG as a core mandate and has advanced that mandate further would typically be able... Firstly, they would have been successful in linking ESG to their financial products.
For us in BMO, for example, we recently launched a program with EDC on guarantees for sustainable finance, wherein up to $60 million EDC would finance half the amount for up to seven years. This is, again, linking an ECL along with trade finance products, or rather, I should say credit shipment trade products, to be able to enable clients who fall within the scope and the parameters. We've got various requirements around the industries. It could be a number of things. It could be bioenergy, it could be agri, it could be carbon trading. There's a number of industries that get covered under this program, and basically what it does is, it provides them with term loans for seven years which they could use towards their business. That's an example of how a bank can link ESG to their financial products.
Another element that an advanced bank you would come across is their ability to actually support clients and how those clients are incentivizing downstream to their suppliers. It's not just about the buyer bearing all the burden. It could be done in a number of ways. If we go even for us specifically at BMO, we've seen a lot of our commodity clients, and especially when it comes to things like structure trade finance, wherein we're able to structure deals along with our clients in providing to the suppliers an incentive and gradually improving the pricing for those incentives. We do share with the client that element of the financial compensation towards the supplier. This again... There's other creative ways also where we're basically... At this stage because where we are in the market, it's a lot of conversation with the client to understand what exactly they want to accomplish and achieve. We try, and we as banks, would try to facilitate that.
The last piece of the element I would say for a bank, which is very important also, is around the platform usage, having an actual platform in itself to be able to offer the clients which will provide them the whole end-to-end view right from start from the... As in the case of our commodity clients, you can see they have their own platforms which basically provides them complete transparency. From the point of view when the suppliers are actually growing the product, to the final point where it's on the shelf space, the whole supply chain, the complete transparency, what's being used, what the product ingredients are, everything is on display and it's very transparent. A lot of that banks are typically looking at third parties to kind of support that, as far as the technology platform goes. We, too, have been assessing and, again, it boils down to your user group, your clients, your own portfolio of where it makes the best sense and where you have the best business case to be able to enable technology to support that.
That's kind of how I see the view from a corporate and a bank perspective. I think there's a lot of challenges still with ESG. I think the momentum is definitely there, it's going to stay, it's going to build up more. I think there is some challenges which will come down the road and is there now as well is around standards and, I think, jurisdictions. You can find in some jurisdictions the mandate has advanced very fast while others it's slower. I think that needs to pick up, and I think there has to be some form of standard across globally when it comes to ESG because I think that's where we'll have a level playing field and it'll be easier to build scale when it comes to supporting our clients for ESG. I'm going to stop there for a minute because I've talked for a bit here.
Patrick DeVilbiss:
You raise some really, really good points and it's interesting to hear the perspective of a corporate and bank journeys and what you're seeing. It sounds like the EDC partnership that you've got is a really interesting one, as well. The notion of standards, I think, is very critical and makes a lot of sense. We've certainly seen certain markets moving faster than others. Europe in particular has been at the forefront on this, but I think we've seen some other regions kind of picking up the pace, as well, so that notion of a global level set would be interesting, and certainly this is not a topic that's going away anytime soon.