The past decade has seen significant change for federal IT operations organizations – from a focus on data center consolidation and virtualization to Cloud First and now Cloud Smart. Most agencies now operate in a hybrid IT/multi-cloud environment. What have IT leaders learned during this transformation and how can they apply lessons learned to the future management of IT, security and the workforce?
Hosted by Mimi Geerges of the Government Matters Thought Leadership Network, CGI presents Hybrid IT: Where We Are, Where We’re Going. Hear insights from government leaders and CGI experts:
- Dave Nelson, CIO, Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- Robert Costello, CIO, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
- Paresh Patel, Vice President, CIO Advisory Services, CGI Federal
- Brian Merrick, Director, Cloud Programs, US Department of State
- Bernard De Lisi, Senior Vice President Consulting Delivery, CGI Federal
This program originally aired on Government Matters TV and is being republished with their permission.