The 2020 CGI Client Global Insights revealed that both business and IT executives interviewed cite “becoming digital” and “IT modernization or integration” as the most impactful trends in their industries. Executives also report “managing cultural change” and “legacy technology or agility constraints” as top challenges. No wonder that the lack of significant improvement in achieving digital strategies reported (with only 12% seeing success) has raised expectations for measurable returns on project investments.

Fast forward to today…

  • Unprecedented challenges and opportunities face all industries as they navigate through the global pandemic.
  • Many companies have retooled overnight, relying on digital channels, remote working and collaboration tools more than ever.
  • Pressure to respond, rebound and reinvent in the midst of massive change has reset expectations and heightened the need for progress.

With extraordinary speed, agile organizations have adopted new ways of working, evolved their business models, developed new products and services, expanded their supply chains and pursued alternative distribution channels. Many of these transformative initiatives, which normally would take months and years, were accomplished in just a few weeks.

The last few months have shown us that developing a culture of innovation and organizational agility has never been more important – and the sense of urgency never greater.
The traditional linear approach to large-scale implementation projects must yield to new ways of thinking, especially during times of rapid and unexpected change. Even for those organizations who struggle to achieve agile at scale, blending old and new approaches can help transformational programs get unstuck and moving in the right direction.