CGI’s OpenMedia platform manages the complete journalistic workflow, including innovative research, story-centric planning, scripting, multi-platform output and rundown management.


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News production workflow

CGI OpenMedia workflow graphic

CGI OpenMedia Platform

Newsroom workflows par excellence

Openmedia integrations

Our flagship NRCS, CGI OpenMedia, provides maximum speed and scalability for handling journalistic workflows in broadcast news production – from wire search, scripting, and rundown management to playout control. 

Key features
  • Journalistic workflow support
  • Easy integration with third-party systems and highly compliant with the MOS protocol (Media Object Server) during the playout and rundown
  • Diverse enhancements to support the collaboration of remote working teams
  • Hybrid cloud
  • On-premises installations
  • High configurability, scalability and adaptability

Learn about additional modules:
System performance monitoring for CGI OpenMedia newsroom administrators

CGI OpenMedia Metrics

Business intelligence for editorial teams based on search results

CGI OpenMedia Insights

Read more about OpenMedia: CGI's enterprise newsroom system

Openmedia interface
Woman with laptop


Enable seamless third-party integration

Openmedia integrations

One key feature of OpenMedia is the seamless integration of third-party tools to make the daily work and collaboration for journalists and editorial teams more efficient. Users do not need to switch tools while working with the OpenMedia platform.

Some examples of third-party integrations include:

OpenMedia Intelligent Assistant

Transforming journalism through advanced AI-powered solutions

Icons news reporterapp

OpenMedia Intelligent Assistant is a platform for AI-driven solutions that seamlessly integrates into the journalistic workflow included in CGI OpenMedia, allowing journalists to quickly deliver impactful stories worldwide. OpenMedia Intelligent Assistant can alleviate tedious and repetitive tasks while keeping humans-in-the-loop for reviewing or correcting results—thereby streamlining operations and enhancing productivity.

Key features
  • Translation
  • Keyword extraction and summaries
  • Similarity search
  • Story text suggestion
  • Simplifying language

Read more about OpenMedia Intelligent Solution

Professional looking at the data


Streamline story production

OpenMedia icons

CGI OpenMedia NewsBoard enables journalists and editorial teams to organize their story production so everybody can contribute and share the latest information directly, from everywhere.

It features a fully customizable and open widget architecture that allows newsrooms to stay flexible to workflow adaptations at any time. Its modern unified web-based user interface for journalists and editorial teams enhances the coordination of story planning and information gathering through intuitive and flexible collaboration.

Key features
  • Story-centric
  • Dynamic collaboration
  • Agency feeds and social media
  • User-friendly interface
  • Seamless integration
  • Cloud-native
  • Microservices

Read more about OpenMedia NewsBoard: CGI's cross-media planning tool

Woman holding phone


Keep reporters connected

OpenMedia icons

The ReporterApp for Android and iOS allows reporters in the field to stay connected to their enterprise newsroom systems at all times, wherever they are in the world.

Key features
  • Direct link between field and newsroom
  • Operable with one hand
  • Seamless integration with OpenMedia solution family
  • Cloud-native architecture for easy scalability
  • Task management, including push notifications
  • Support for remote workflows
  • Available for Android and iOS

Read more about OpenMedia ReporterApp: Stay connected with your newsroom wherever you are

Studio director


Free up editorial time

​ OpenMedia icons

OpenMedia StudioDirector allows news organizations to offload technically complex and time-consuming preparation work, by feeding the automation with directives and MOS commands. These directives ensure that all required elements are ready for playout. This dramatically frees up valuable editorial time to focus on story writing and avoids playout problems caused by human error.

Key features
  • Advanced MOS compliant toolset, including a new template editor and rule-based business logic
  • Transition checking
  • Powerful model editor
  • Automation-vendor independent

Read more about OpenMedia StudioDirector

In addition to the CGI OpenMedia solution suite, CGI provides broadcasters with a wide range of business and IT consulting expertise and services, including:

Digital transformation            Cloud

Business agility                          Cybersecurity

Change management             Test Services

Artificial intelligence

Digital strategy

Related solutions

OpenMedia is part of CGI’s Media Solutions, which are at the heart of solving the challenges of modern broadcasters and radio stations.

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dira Radio Solutions

CGI supports radio broadcasters with production workflow and visual radio solutions. The dira solution suite encompasses the entire production workflow required for media management in radio journalism. Viura is our solution for intelligent camera control in radio studios for editors.

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