In 2022, CGI partnered with Skillsoft to launch the unITed (university IT education) program, a learning initiative that provides free online IT educational training for students and teachers at Kharkiv Karazin National University in Ukraine. As of the end of Fiscal 2024, this collaborative initiative has empowered more than 250 students across Europe with consistent access to high-quality IT educational resources, enabling them to remain dedicated to their studies amid the ongoing conflict in their homeland.

Bridging education for Ukraine’s students everywhere

The unITed program focuses on:

  • Providing support and ongoing training to displaced Ukrainian students, particularly those in Germany, as well as those who remained in Ukraine
  • Offering customized learning experiences through Skillsoft Percipio
  • Creating a collaborative environment for student and educator connections, fostering community, consistency and unity, regardless of location

Building community through educational events

To further enrich the educational experience, CGI organized a third event in Munich – a Design Thinking Workshop in May. Previous events include an Agile Workshop in May 2023, and a launch event in December 2022.

These events promoted community engagement, professional development and innovative problem-solving techniques. Additionally, they provided valuable insights into the IT industry and created networking opportunities that connected students with industry professionals and peers.

Celebrating Ukrainian students’ commitment to learning  

The impact of the unITed program can be seen in the achievements of the students for whom it was designed:

  • 250+ participants have benefited from the online learning platform
  • 165 individuals attended face-to-face events in Munich
  • 11,000+ learning elements have been completed

Partnering for progress: The importance of collaboration

The success of unITed is a testament to the collaborative spirit among its partners. In addition to CGI experts contributing their knowledge through workshops and support sessions, we also share with Skillsoft the belief that collaboration, technology and empathy can create meaningful change during times of adversity. A letter of appreciation from the Head of Kharkiv Karazin National University in May 2024 further highlights the importance of this partnership in supporting IT education for students affected by war.

Creating future opportunities: The impact of educational equity

CGI's unITed program demonstrates a strong commitment to social responsibility and educational equity, aligning with our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. By offering free online IT training to Ukrainian students affected by conflict, the initiative empowers a vulnerable population to adapt and thrive in challenging circumstances.

Together with our learning development partners, CGI is combining technology and educational skills with a human-centric approach to make a real difference—one learning element at a time. The unITed program stands as a powerful example of how collaborative efforts can transform lives and foster hope for the future.