CGI's Manufacturing Practice
CGI's Manufacturing Practice

The green mining technology leap in northern Sweden


Recently, HYBRIT, a Swedish green steel venture announced the delivery of the world’s first fossil-free steel or “green steel” to carmaker, Volvo. A few weeks later, Mercedes-Benz also announced their...

Annette Trenz

How smart factories can enable sustainable manufacturing


The growing global pressure from government, financial institutions and consumers will soon make sustainability mandatory, pushing it higher on the C-suite agenda. For manufacturers, this means weaving sustainability into the...

Kathryn Ashton
Kathryn Ashton

Using blockchain to combat counterfeiting in manufacturing


Product authenticity plays a huge role in assuring consumer confidence for B2B and B2C businesses. Whether it’s COVID-19 vaccines, industrial goods, car parts or fair-trade chocolate, today consumers want assurance...

Henk van Roekel
Henk van Roekel

Managing customer data as an asset at Nissan Europe


A single view of each customer allows Nissan to communicate in a personalized way, but also allows them to define patterns and predict key triggers requiring specific actions.