Colleagues having a discussion

The acceleration of digital transformation and remote work has pressured broadcasters worldwide to adopt common communications tools to help their production teams collaborate and share data while working from remote locations and across multiple channels.

CGI OpenMedia is an end-to-end newsroom solutions suite that’s integrated with Microsoft Teams to provide a modern unified communications platform for today’s journalists and producers. With this combined platform, newsrooms can address workflow challenges resulting from an increase in broadcasting channels, as well as remote newsgathering and production. Further, the platform supports communication and collaboration through the following workspace chat and video conference features. 

Launch group conversations 

The integration of Microsoft Teams with CGI OpenMedia supports group conversations among journalists and producers. These conversations can revolve around single stories, broader topics or even rundowns. Participants can be invited or removed at any time. Each added participant is notified via Microsoft Teams. Information shared in a Teams group conversation is configurable and automatically updated (e.g., to reflect approval or publication of a story). 

Follow conversations 

Users can post, reply, and follow group conversations in Microsoft Teams. In turn, these conversations can be viewed and edited in any CGI OpenMedia object  . Users can also create conversations in an existing Microsoft Teams channel, so all members of the channel can stay informed, and decisions can be made quickly and transparently within the team. 

Microsoft Teams Web Client embedded in CGI OpenMedia

CGI OpenMedia also provides users with access to the Microsoft Teams Web Client directly through an integrated window in CGI OpenMedia. With this feature, there is no need to switch between applications.

Mention specific team members

Easily customize the text you send in Microsoft Teams by drafting and formatting messages directly within CGI OpenMedia. Preformatted text—tailored to your preferences—is ready to adjust as needed. You can mention specific team members directly in CGI OpenMedia, and they will be automatically tagged in the Microsoft Teams message, enabling seamless communication. Additionally, you can include direct CGI OpenMedia links within Microsoft Teams, making information sharing quick and efficient. This integration ensures that all formatting done in CGI OpenMedia appears consistently on Microsoft Teams, keeping your communication both precise and professional.

Features of CGI OpenMedia's integration with Microsoft Teams

  • While Microsoft Teams has been introduced as a standard communications platform by most broadcasters worldwide, the integration of Microsoft Teams within CGI OpenMedia provides journalists and producers with a unified tool for communicating and ensures information is transparent, conveniently accessible and uniform.
  • Further, the integration helps editorial teams manage and organize their communications more efficiently while physically dispersed and working on multiple stories via multiple channels. 
  • Metadata shown in a Microsoft Teams conversation can be customized, depending on the information needed by the user group.

About Microsoft
Microsoft enables digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. For more information, visit