This set of documents are the fundamental texts that define CGI and its management approach. The fundamental texts address not only members of the board of directors, CGI's executive team and the company's shareholders, but also all CGI members as well as anyone who wishes to consult them. Their main objective is to provide a better understanding of the most essential aspects of the company. It is our hope that this understanding will generate a shared vision of what constitutes CGI and of the community of thought that is essential to the company's success. The document will also provide all CGI members with an understanding that will allow them to participate fully in the life of the company and to better represent CGI.

The fundamental texts include:

Dream, vision, mission and values

This presentation of CGI's dream, mission, vision and values is intended to impart in a succinct manner the company's character, essence, dynamism, values and culture, and the creative impulse that culminated in its creation and of which it is an extension.

CGI Management Foundation

The CGI Management Foundation encompasses the key elements that define and guide the management of CGI. The CGI Management Foundation reflects our collective experience and has been developed to make our actions as efficient as possible while remaining focused on our essential goal: to provide high-quality services truly adapted to our clients' needs.

Documents and Policies pertaining to Corporate Governance

Codes of Ethics


Corporate governance contact resources