CGI All Payments

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Whether the goal is to achieve the promise of real time, or meet immediate compliance mandates, financial institutions each must choose their own path for payments transformation. As a trusted advisor for more than 40 years, CGI guides clients along...

CGI All Payments has integrated Swift as a secure way of transmitting financial messaging for seamless wire transfers and payment processing.

CGI All Payments’ dedicated real-time payments engine enables the fast and efficient handling of real-time payments globally.

The CGI All Payments U.S. ACH payments module enables the origination and receipt of transactions on the U.S. ACH payments network.

The CGI All Payments Fedwire payments module leverages our high-value payment engine to enable the fast, efficient and robust handling of Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) wires.

Learn about the payments experience, expertise and solutions CGI offers to help you evolve your payments business for future success.

A world of opportunity awaits for financial institutions to drive competitive advantage from payments growth and enable the introduction of innovative services for customers by modernizing their payments processing infrastructures.