Resource center

In 2022, CGI partnered with Skillsoft to launch the unITed (university IT education) program, a learning initiative that provides free online IT educational training for students and teachers at Kharkiv Karazin National University in Ukraine. As of the end of...

Being a caregiver is a very challenging role. Digital platforms and apps can help family caregivers connect with others in similar situations and access vital information, resources, and support services crucial for managing the complex needs of those in their...

At CGI, our proximity model helps us build strong connections within our local communities, enabling us to better understand their needs and improve the outcomes of their initiatives. In several instances, we leverage our expertise and solutions developed for our...

According to the World Health Organization, nearly one in three women worldwide have been subjected to violence in their lifetime, particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence. This devastating public health crisis not only harms women and their children, but...

Raising awareness, understanding and inclusion of Indigenous peoples is a crucial step toward building a diverse, equitable and innovative workforce.

CGI announced a partnership with the State of Minnesota on a US$4 million, grant-funded research project, the “Advancing Equity in Child Support” initiative.

Our goal is to create a culture of openness that normalizes conversations and offers support for mental health issues. A key initiative is our Mental Health Ambassadors network, which provides peer-to-peer mental health support, encouraging CGI Partners to access help...