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To stay competitive in today's fast-paced digital landscape, organizations need to keep their systems up to date through legacy modernization initiatives. These initiatives come with many risks that can compromise their success. Managing and mitigating these risks is essential to...

Organizations today need to be able to move quickly, adapting to whatever change comes their way. Legacy systems present challenges to agility, as they embed old ways of working into a business. Outdated, inflexible and difficult to maintain, legacy systems...

Outdated systems can become a heavy weight on a company’s balance sheet, burdening it with unwanted costs and inefficient business practices. But changing a well-established system is as difficult as it is important. The benefits you reap, both financially and...

Jyväskylä, one of the largest cities in Finland, is in the process of constructing its digital city brand on the foundation of seamless services and skilled personnel. To achieve this, the city is accelerating its cloud transition in cooperation with...

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CGI earns a Solutions Partner for Microsoft Cloud designation, completing all six Solutions Partner requirements within the Microsoft Cloud Partner Program.

CGI and ServiceNow provide the capabilities to enable businesses to run agile digital solutions