Improving document workflows with CGI DataCycle360

As a digital platform, CGI DataCycle360 enables you to manage your documents automatically, including transferring, updating, signing, and archiving documents. As a result, you gain a number of strategic advantages, including increased efficiencies, quality, reliability, compliance, cost savings, and more. All of these advantages, in turn, drive your performance, revenue and competitiveness.

CGI DataCycle360 is available as a software-as-a-service or it can be hosted on-premise, which makes it accessible by any organization.

CGI DataCycle360

CGI DataCycle360 consists of five solutions from which you can choose based on your unique business needs. Flexible integration capabilities enable you to easily build connections with all the central systems of your business.

Consultants overseeing financial documents
  • CGI Archiving as a Service
    CGI Archiving as a Service provides a secure and efficient way to store and transfer business-critical data.
  • CGI Digital Archive
    Digital archiving facilitates the archiving of documents, the utilization of archived documents and the management of the archive's lifecycle.
  • CGI Signature
    CGI Digital Signature enables you to sign contracts anywhere, anytime using bank, smart card or mobile ID authentication.
  • CGI Sales Invoicing
    CGI Sales Invoicing drives efficiencies in the sales invoicing life cycle and is compatible with other sales invoicing systems and processes.
  • CGI Purchase to Pay
    CGI Purchase to Pay manages all stages of the procurement process—from bidding, to purchase request, to approval, to invoice archiving.
shorter process turnaround
lower transaction costs
end users in public and private sectors

Significant cost savings

Through digitalization, CGI DataCycle360 delivers more efficient processes that drive cost savings. For example, CGI Archiving as a Service minimizes costs by centralizing data into one archiving system, reducing the need to maintain multiple legacy systems.

Increased productivity

Automation leads to faster processing and reduced manual work, boosting productivity and freeing up time for business development and other strategic initiatives. For example, using artificial intelligence, CGI Purchase to Pay speeds up the purchase invoice process by more than 80%.

Knowledge management

As a centralized solution, CGI DataCycle360 enables process monitoring and measurement across your document life cycle. This, in turn, leads to improved knowledge management and greater process enhancements that drive operational excellence and performance.

consultants discussing business

Learn more

If you’re interested in learning how CGI DataCycle360 can transform your organization’s document management, contact us today.