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CGI’s Aromi enterprise resource planning system manages all of a food service provider’s processes—from sales, to production, to delivery—enabling food service providers to improve their operations and address changing customer, regulatory and ecological requirements, all while focusing more attention on their core business.

CGI OnCue360

CGI OnCue360 is a mobile regulatory enforcement and field data collection solution that enables organizations to improve decision making and workforce productivity.

CGI Retail Suite: unified sales platform

CGI Retail Suite is a powerful modular solution that is built using an open architecture approach, enabling retail organizations to rapidly adapt to new business realities. The solution enables retailers to increase their end-to-end agility—right from supply to the end customer—and transform quickly through continuous innovation.

Payment solutions for the retail fuel sector

As the retail fuel market continues to experience significant change, our CGI PayPartner360 payment platform is at the forefront of industry developments, delivering a unique set of capabilities to meet the challenges of the downstream sector.