Professional conducting text analysis

Artificial intelligence (AI) is accelerating the way organizations manage, analyze and develop data. From generating new content to summarizing and interpreting data, AI helps streamline workloads and uncover valuable insights. But some solutions can be resource intensive and require access to scarce talent.

Our low-code CGI TextAI platform democratizes AI by providing prebuilt models for all user levels. CGI's advisory services help you identify goals and use cases that drive business value as well as opportunities to expand and scale your AI impact. We offer AI development, solution, scaling and managed services based on years of implementation expertise, including governance, change management, and technology implementation. Furthermore, we follow the principles of responsible AI in all we do.

CGI TextAI microservices enable organizations to:

  • Accelerate GenAI use while improving content efficacy of large language model (LLMs), reducing hallucinations. Users can generate content and documents with a single prompt.
  • Converse using natural language understanding to ask specific questions about your documents and data, making data exploration and analysis more intuitive and efficient for all users. Organizations can create a domain specific ChatGPT. CGI TextAI simplifies data exploration and analysis, making each more intuitive and efficient for both technical and non-technical users.
  • Generate automated reports, monitoring dashboards, advanced analytics, intelligent search, etc., using LLMs to unlock insights about your enterprise data.
  • Cluster, classify and analyze free-text data for sentiment analysis (e.g., comments, reviews, feedback, etc.).

Key benefits:

  • Democratize AI: A low-code, adaptable platform, CGI TextAI empowers both non-technical and technical users to develop custom solutions with little or no prior AI technical knowledge. Ready-made AI / ML models make it easier to solve business problems without in-depth AI experience.
  • Deploy solutions faster and easier: More rapidly develop and deploy AI with pre-built AI models, ML pipelines, project templates and ready-made datasets. Implement agile and custom solutions by scaling servers up or down, making it easier to track workloads and progress. Incorporate AI faster into your organization by integrating CGI TextAI with existing tools and infrastructure through APIs and an aggregated user interface.

Customizable to your needs

CGI TextAI can be tailored for your unique datasets, (online/onsite) infrastructure requirements and content needs. Use your domain-specific experiences to quickly classify and analyze data, and easily build models to make predictions. Our solution is user, industry, use case and infrastructure agnostic. Deploy it onsite, off-site, or in the cloud.


  • Optical character recognition (OCR) 
  • Speech to text 
  • Text generation using LLMs
  • Natural language understanding
  • Text clustering 
  • Text classification
  • Topic and keyword extraction
  • Text summarization
  • Topic modeling 
  • Name-entity recognition 
  • Part-of-speech tagging 
  • Semantic analysis 
  • Metadata extraction
  • Data anonymization
  • Cloud infrastructure
  • Serverless data infrastructure

Accelerating regulatory content creation

For organizations looking to help users draft and manage regulatory content, where GenAI does the heavy lifting, CGI TextAI includes an AI accelerator that serves as a generative AI natural language document assistant. The accelerator’s efficiency and speed are ideal for creating initial drafts of regulatory content much faster than traditional approaches. This tool is designed for stable content generation and integration with intelligent authoring tools. Learn more.

Natural language interactions with customer data

Leveraging LLMs to make databases conversational creates exciting possibilities for natural language interactions with multiple data sources. By integrating LLMs into database systems, users can query and manipulate data using conversational language, enhancing accessibility and the user experience—contact centers are an example of where CGI TextAI could be integrated to enhance interactions.

Invoice archive digitization

A European forestry association’s archives contained hundreds of thousands of invoices. A lack of metadata or clear knowledge of invoice contents made them difficult to digitize. CGI TextAI, using AI-supported information extraction, structuring and deep learning algorithms, performed data cleaning and post processing to extract the required information from the invoices. The solution reduced employee workloads and allowed for further and more substantial data analysis. 

Sentiment analysis of free text 

Enterprises dealing with free-text field data—unstructured information entered by users, such as comments and reviews—encounter numerous challenges due to its unstructured format, making analysis complex and prone to inaccuracies. Privacy concerns further emphasize the need for advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques for efficient extraction and handling. Addressing these issues, CGI TextAI adopts a custom-generated analytics and insights approach, leveraging ensembled NLP techniques. This powerful tool finds applications in ticketing systems and survey feedback analysis—drastically reducing processing time from weeks to mere minutes. Learn more.

Multiple industries Multiple use cases
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Consumer services
  • Health
  • Life sciences / pharma
  • Automotive
  • Manufacturing / natural resources
  • Retail and more
  • Chatbot systems
  • Customer feedback analysis
  • Ticket processing automation
  • Summarizing information
  • Customer complaint classification
  • Speech tagging
  • Content writingÂ