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CGI DynamicProcess360

CGI DynamicProcess360 is unified, scalable enterprise platform for end-to-end process orchestration and monitoring.

CGI eGov360 : accélérer votre transformation numérique

CGI eGov360 provides modular and customizable digital case and document management capabilities for public organizations, especially those handling sensitive data. It digitalizes the creation, handling, archiving and publishing of information and documents.

CGI Elements360 Workbench: une solution de souscription moderne

CGI Elements360 Workbench is an open, modular and extendable underwriting workbench that helps underwriters focus their time on core business, while reducing the administrative tasks associated with underwriting activities.

CGI EnvironmentMonitor360

Earth observation (EO) data and applications are increasingly used to manage assets such as buildings, facilities and large land areas. CGI EnvironmentMonitor360 uses satellite imagery to help organizations you assess risks and damage caused from natural events.

CGI ePayslip

CGI ePayslip enables employees to access their payslips online easily while saving employers costs and driving sustainability.

CGI GeoData360

CGI GeoData360 is our production platform for Earth observation (EO) and geospatial (Geo) services. CGI GeoData360 is designed for long-running, large-scale production pipelines as a platform-as-a-service. It supports deep customization and extension, enabling production workflows that consume EO and Geo data to produce valuable business information and run cost efficiently at scale.

CGI GovernWise360 – Gouvernance de Microsoft 365

CGI GovernWise360 is an intelligent control center that serves as your compass to navigate the ever-evolving Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

CGI Hotscan360

CGI HotScan360 is a comprehensive and versatile risk management platform that provides real-time fraud detection, payments filtering, know your customer and customer due diligence capabilities, along with anti-money laundering transaction monitoring.

CGI Machine Vision : surveillance visuelle fondée sur l’IA

CGI Machine Vision applies edge AI and machine learning to interpret videos and images, and solve vision-oriented challenges in monitoring assets.

CGI NaviProCare

CGI NaviProCare guides patients through the entire medical process, with interactive user interfaces that provide navigation and other relevant information—before, during and after appointments.


CGI's distributed energy resources management solution helps you intelligently and safely manage and control various DERs to achieve operational and financial benefits.

CGI OpenGrid360

CGI OpenGrid360 is an innovative suite of solutions and services designed to help utility network owners and operators improve data insight and accelerate innovation to support the move to a more flexible and sustainable future grid. It supports the complete network value chain, from asset to outage management and more.

CGI Payments360

Le portefeuille intégré CGI Payments360 comprend des solutions et des services conçus par CGI dans le but précis de soutenir la transformation de l’ensemble du cycle de vie des paiements.

CGI PayPartner360 : expérience supérieure de paiement par carte

CGI PayPartner360 enables all card processors, banks, and major retailers to offer an innovative card solution that stands out from the competition, attracts customer attention, and dominates in an ever-changing market.

CGI Pivot

CGI Pivot is an instant and cost-effective SaaS-based implementation of the OSDU Data Platform that helps you unlock the value of data in minutes and make fast, insight-led business decisions.

CGI Profio360: système de gestion intégré (ERP) axé sur les projets

CGI Profio360 is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution for the manufacturing industry and project-based businesses that covers all supply chain functions from production and operations to finance and sales.

CGI ProperPay

If you need a proven way to predict, identify, manage and recover improper payments, driven by advanced analytics, discover CGI ProperPay. Since 1990, our solution has helped payers / insurers improve payment integrity and recover well over $3 billion in improper payments.

CGI PulseAI : Intelligence assistée par l’humain

Driven by artificial intelligence, CGI PulseAI is a hyper-automation platform that enables clients to drive efficiencies and cost reduction through intelligent process automation.

CGI Retail Suite: plateforme de vente unifiée

CGI Retail Suite is a powerful modular solution that is built using an open architecture approach, enabling retail organizations to rapidly adapt to new business realities. The solution enables retailers to increase their end-to-end agility—right from supply to the end customer—and transform quickly through continuous innovation.

CGI Sense360

Whether a crisis is caused by natural or human factors, up-to-date information is critical for safe and successful rescue and recovery operations. Using comprehensive data sources, artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality (AR), CGI Sense360 platform provides situational awareness information that helps accelerate the necessary response.