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CGI SimpliTest – Accélérateur de développement basé sur les essais d’acceptation automatisés

CGI’s SimpliTest accelerates test automation to enable proactive, shift-left quality engineering.

CGI SiteReliability360 – Solution d’infrastructure TI hybride

CGI SiteReliability360 is a hybrid IT management platform that enables reliability through high-availability deployments across any underlying private or public clouds.

CGI Smart Case

CGI Smart Case is an integrated and intelligent deep-learning solution that automates, accelerates and improves the processing of customer services, optimizes operations and supports regulatory compliance.

CGI TestSavvy : gestionnaire de cas d’essai automatisés

CGI TestSavvy empowers testers to manage automated test cases through an easy and flexible web portal, reducing timeframes, costs and risks, and increasing test coverage to 60%-80%.

CGI TextAI : plateforme d’analyse de texte et d’IA

CGI TextAI uses AI and machine learning automation to help organizations analyze structured and unstructured data at scale, improving data analytics and user experiences, and lowering operational costs.

CGI Trade360

CGI Trade360 delivers all of the software, infrastructure and support resources necessary to power a bank’s global trade business. Delivered as a software as a service (SaaS), CGI Trade360 enables banks to provide the full range of traditional trade, payables, receivables and cash management services to their customers—anywhere, anytime—on a single, integrated and global platform.

CGI TrustedFabric

CGI TrustedFabric allows data to flow securely across various entities and is purpose-built to address the critical tenets required for effective and trusted data-sharing to drive interoperability across complex organizations while protecting data owners.

CGI Wealth360 Fund Accounting

Wealth360 Fund Accounting is a true multi-currency and comprehensive solution supporting fund valuation and fund administration.

CLS Manager de CGI

The Continuous Linked System (CLS) continues to expand its reach and influence in the world of foreign exchange. CGI has been a part of it since day one. In fact, we helped to define the system. Now we are working with a large number of CLS member banks globally, making sure they stay ahead of the game by taking advantage of the latest CLS features.

CollaborativeEdge pour rationaliser la saisie des données

CollaborativeEdge uses a browser-based front end to gather data and to upload and download transactions to agency locations or a carrier's policy processing system. Proven Internet technology provides a common interface, accessible by almost any desktop computer.

Découvrez le pouvoir de l’IA grâce à l’assistant intelligent CGI OpenMedia

CGI OpenMedia Intelligent Assistant is a platform for AI-driven solutions that seamlessly integrates into the journalistic workflow included in CGI OpenMedia, allowing journalists to quickly deliver impactful stories worldwide.

Door James

With Door James, our award-winning workspace management solution, you can easily and securely book workspaces in your offices, saving time, effort and cost.

eINcent - Solution Web de gestion des commissions et des réseaux de distribution

CGI's industry and commissions experts can advise you on how effective sales compensation management will affect your business, and how to capitalize on opportunities in the digital age.

Gestion de l’information réglementaire

CGI's regulatory information management (RIM) expertise supports clinical trial sponsors and clinical research organizations to understand their RIM challenges and help them achieve an optimized RIM process.

Gestion des soins médicaux Merlot Medi de CGI

All information related to an alarm situation is quickly transferred to the most suitable emergency unit in the vicinity, detailing the target name, address, a risk assessment, information on the units handling the alert and any other information that may assist the medical response.

GO, suite logicielle pour les aéroports

Airports today are facing increasing competition, security and safety concerns, government regulation, and passenger expectations. At the same time, they’re under pressure to keep prices low and quality high. Efficient airport operations management has become more and more critical.