Resource center

CGI Energy Commission Suite has been developed in conjunction with two leading B2B energy suppliers and is provided as a Software as a Service (SaaS) application. It can transform the way that retailers manage their TPIs and provides business-wide benefits...

Helping organisations establish clear strategies for achieving net zero objectives, to empower their sustainable future whilst also creating competitive advantage.

Discover CGI's Digital Future in Northern Ireland CGI is pioneering a digital revolution in Northern Ireland with a dedicated Centre of Digital Excellence. Our commitment to innovation and economic growth is evident through our transformative digital services that enhance organisational...

GovAssure is an assurance approach for government, which is a five-stage process built on the Cyber Assessment Framework (CAF). Find out how we can provide you with the correct approach.

Ratabase Actuarial is a powerful actuarial toolset that supports experimentation, simulation, analysis, and promotion. It drives efficiency, actuarial confidence, and pricing accuracy within the product innovation life cycle.

CGI is leading a consortium in the development of the Universal Virtual Flight Data Recorder (UVFDR), offering GADSS as a service.

Our 2023 ESG report discloses our progress supported by measurable and traceable data, to unlock innovations and collaborations.

CGI Elements360 ARC-IBA is a modern platform designed to evolve with your business. Our solution has been developed using low code tools meaning we are able to quickly enhance and adapt the solution as your needs change.

Secure integration with the DCC and management of a Distribution Network Operator’s (DNO) smart meter portfolio Building a DCC User Interface from scratch increases both cost and risk associated with integration, and any solution must be compliant with the Smart...