David Kilgore headshot

David Kilgore

Director, Consulting Services

When I was a state child support director, I faced a common dilemma. Our “modern” but already aging system, which I like to think of as a massive filing system with a calculator for all of our state’s child support cases, desperately needed modernization to keep up with the latest technological advances. But securing the substantial funds necessary for a complete system overhaul wasn't in the cards. I remember sitting in my office, staring at budget projections and thinking about the thousands of families counting on us to get this right. 

That's when it hit me - we could climb this seemingly insurmountable mountain one manageable trail and hike at a time.

While I couldn't get approval for a massive system replacement, I could usually find $5-10M to complete meaningful improvements year over year.

This approach, known as incremental modernization, is gaining traction across the child support community as a practical path forward for states facing similar challenges.

What is incremental modernization?

Rather than replacing an entire system at once, incremental modernization follows a strategic roadmap of progressive improvements. States typically begin with cloud migration and then gradually incorporate modern components like advanced integration tools, sophisticated data management solutions, document management systems and business intelligence platforms. 

The end goal remains a fully modernized system, but the journey is broken into manageable steps over several years or budget cycles.

Why this approach makes sense

The appeal is straightforward: while total costs may be higher over time, the financial burden is spread out, making it more digestible for state budgets. Instead of seeking one massive appropriation, states can fund improvements through smaller, ongoing investments - something most directors can work into their annual budgets.

Risk management is another key benefit. Rather than risking the entire system during a massive cutover, states can implement and test individual components one at a time. Each step builds on the last, allowing for careful validation before proceeding.

Interestingly, the federal Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) has shown increasing support for incremental approaches, recognizing that they may be more achievable for many states than full system replacements. Since federal partners typically fund 66% of system modernization projects, their backing is crucial.

One size doesn't fit all

While incremental modernization offers compelling benefits, it's not the right solution for every state. Some states are well-positioned for a complete system replacement, particularly those with secured funding and strong implementation readiness. These states may prefer to modernize all at once to realize benefits more quickly and reduce overall costs.

However, the incremental approach can be particularly attractive for states facing budget constraints, limited resources, or those already partially modernized. It allows them to make progress while working within their constraints and provides a clear roadmap to full modernization, even if it takes longer to get there.

The beauty is that states have options

Whether choosing a full system replacement, like CGI Transcend® for Child Support, or incremental modernization, they can select the approach that best fits their needs. This flexibility means that all states can move forward with improving their child support systems, regardless of their starting point or resources.
From my experience, having a clear path forward - even if it takes longer to travel - is far better than being stuck with outdated technology and no way to advance. The emergence of incremental modernization as a viable strategy means more states can begin their modernization journey, ultimately leading to better services for families and children who rely on child support programs.

Is incremental modernization on your mind? Contact us to continue to discussion.

About this author

David Kilgore headshot

David Kilgore

Director, Consulting Services

David Kilgore is a Director for the Child Support Practice with CGI, bringing over 20 years of experience, most recently leading California’s Child Support Program. Under his leadership, the department achieved significant technological and programmatic advancements to improve children's lives. Notably, he spearheaded a full ...