Kelly Keller professional photo

Kelly Keller

Senior Business Consultant

In the ever-evolving technology landscape, organizations constantly find themselves at a crossroads when it comes to implementing new systems. One crucial decision they face is whether to leverage a "solution integrator" for this task. This blog aims to dissect the various perspectives surrounding this dilemma and shed light on the pros, cons, and potential pitfalls associated with each option.

The product company: knowing the tool inside out

One school of thought advocates for partnering directly with the company responsible for implementing the system. Proponents argue that no one understands the tool better than its developers. This familiarity can lead to smoother implementation processes and quicker issue resolution.


  • In-depth knowledge of the product
  • Direct access to technical support and resources
  • Streamlined communication channels


  • Limited perspective beyond the tool's immediate capabilities
  • Potential bias towards their solutions
  • Dependency on the vendor's timelines and priorities

Pitfalls and challenges

When considering partnering directly with the company responsible for implementing the system, it's crucial to acknowledge the risk of innovation stagnation. While the product company possesses unparalleled expertise in its tool, becoming complacent with existing features is dangerous, potentially hindering innovation. Moreover, while the product company thoroughly understands its tool's capabilities, there's a risk of being confined within the boundaries of those capabilities, making customization beyond the predefined features challenging or costly.

Client-centric approach: harnessing business process expertise

Conversely, some argue that the client organization holds the key to successful implementation. Their intimate knowledge of business processes enables them to influence product configuration according to their needs.


  • Tailored solutions aligned with organizational goals
  • Empowerment of internal stakeholders
  • Reduced reliance on external parties


  • Limited technical expertise in system integration
  • Potential disconnect between business requirements and technical feasibility
  • Increased workload for internal teams

Pitfalls and challenges

Despite their in-depth understanding of business processes, clients may lack the technical expertise required for seamless system integration. This gap can result in misaligned expectations, implementation delays, or even functional inefficiencies. Additionally, there's a heightened risk of scope creep without external guidance. Clients may continuously request additional features or modifications during implementation, leading to project delays, budget overruns, and strained relationships with vendors.

The role of the solution integrator: striking the balance

A third perspective advocates for the involvement of a Solution Integrator (SI) to navigate the complexities of system implementation. Solutions integrators bring a holistic view, combining technical expertise with business acumen to bridge the gap between client needs and vendor capabilities.


  • Objective evaluation and guidance throughout the process
  • Expertise in integrating multiple systems and technologies
  • Advocacy for industry best practices and standards


  • Additional costs associated with hiring external expertise
  • Potential conflicts of interest between client, vendor, and SI
  • Dependency on the vendor's timelines and priorities

Pitfalls and challenges

Balancing customization with adherence to industry standards can be tricky, as excessive modifications could lead to system complexity, maintenance challenges, and deviations from best practices. Moreover, ensuring clear communication and alignment of objectives among all stakeholders is critical but can be challenging. Conflicting priorities, differing expectations, and competing interests among the client, vendor, and solution integrator may hinder progress and compromise project success.

Navigating the path forward

The decision to leverage a SI for system implementation involves careful consideration of various factors. While partnering directly with the product company or relying solely on internal expertise may seem appealing, the benefits of engaging a SI should not be overlooked.

By striking the right balance between technical proficiency, business acumen, and industry insights, organizations can effectively navigate the complexities of system implementation, driving efficiency, data governance, and simplification.

Ultimately, the key lies in understanding your organization's unique needs and challenges and selecting the approach that best aligns with your goals and priorities. Whether you harness the expertise of the product company, empower your internal teams, or enlist the support of an SI, the journey toward successful system implementation begins with a clear vision and a strategic approach.

In the life science sector, CGI takes an agnostic approach to supporting pharma, biotech, diagnostic and medical device clients in the application assessment process, whether new systems or system upgrades. The CGI life sciences team can support program strategies and design, road mapping, and process optimization and offers more specific expertise with our team of Regulatory and Laboratory Operations Advocates R/L(OAs). These team members have worked in the business and industry and moved into IT roles supporting lab operations or regulatory operations and applications in consulting. The goal is to minimize your valuable resources' time working on projects so that they can continue to execute business-critical tasks. At the same time, our OAs focus on project-specific work to drive time to value.

About this author

Kelly Keller professional photo

Kelly Keller

Senior Business Consultant

Kelly joined CGI in December of 2022 as a senior business consultant with a robust track record in the pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries, demonstrating exceptional project management and strategic thinking skills. With nearly a decade of diverse experience in the ...