Jennifer Ricker professional photo

Jennifer Ricker

Director, Consulting Expert

Elissa Goad professional photo

Elissa Goad

Director, Consulting Expert | U.S. IP Solutions

Today’s state leaders seek opportunities to safely leverage new technology, combat cyberattacks and comply with new governing rules and regulations. This was evident at the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers, and Treasurers (NASACT) annual conference, where finance leaders met to discuss the government fiscal outlook, collaborate with peers and gain actionable insights from industry thought leaders. In this blog, we’re sharing our top three takeaways from the conference:

  1. On-time, on-budget and on-scope enterprise resource planning (ERP) transformations are possible
  2. The conversation about artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving
  3. States commit to battling cyberattacks


On-time, on-budget and on-scope enterprise resource planning (ERP) transformations are possible


Planning for and embarking on a digital transformation effort, especially one as large as an ERP project, can feel overwhelming. Leaders must consider competing priorities, carefully manage governance and guide teams at all levels through real impacts on day-to-day operations. This may seem daunting, but state governments are finding a path to successful modernization by partnering with government experts, utilizing tools built specifically for government operations and creating transformation strategies that define a clear future vision. 

The conversation about artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving

From GenAI to process automation and chatbots, AI remains top of mind for state governments. However, this year marks a change in how leaders frame AI discussions. With a shift from theoretical “art of the possible” discussions to real-world use cases, governance, security and risks, it is clear that AI has a strong foothold in state governments. Historically, adopting such innovative technologies in the public sector has lagged behind private sector companies, but this is not true with AI. Whether governments have already started their AI journey or are exploring their options, the following guidelines can reduce risk and increase value:

  • Prioritize AI governance. Governments don’t need to draft net new governance. Multiple maturity models and existing governance frameworks support the creation of legislation. 
  • Consider adding a Chief AI Officer to the government leadership team. This role is dedicated to overseeing the organization’s use of AI, managing risk and supporting innovation – a focus that is only growing more important with the ongoing development of AI. 
  • Avoid letting technology drive strategy. Instead, assess your organization, identify opportunities for improvement and look for a solution that best solves the problem.

States commit to battling cyberattacks

Government entities are frequent targets of cyberattacks. Because of this, government leaders need to take comprehensive measures to protect against potential threats. Key actions that can reduce cyber risk and build resilience include establishing a robust cybersecurity framework aligned with best practices and national standards, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework. Additionally, governments should assess and understand organizational risks and adopt a risk management strategy. They should also implement employee awareness and training programs that help employees recognize and avoid phishing attempts and focus on resiliency – identifying critical systems and designing and implementing redundancy and failover to ensure continuity.  

CGI has nearly 50 years of experience transforming operations for state and local governments. A dedication to continuous learning and development bolsters our commitment to delivering best-in-class solutions for modern government challenges. The NASACT community provides timely insights into current and emerging trends, allowing CGI to stay at the forefront of government ERP.  

Explore how CGI is paving the way for the future of government.

About these authors

Jennifer Ricker professional photo

Jennifer Ricker

Director, Consulting Expert

As a Customer Success Manager on the CGI Government Solutions team, Jennifer provides expertise, support, and guidance to ensure success for public sector clients. Before joining CGI, Jennifer spent 24 years in state government, most recently as state CIO and Secretary of the Illinois ...

Elissa Goad professional photo

Elissa Goad

Director, Consulting Expert | U.S. IP Solutions

Elissa brings more than ten years of experience supporting state, local, and federal government modernization. She has in-depth expertise in translating established and emerging technology into real-world benefits and aligning organizations with solutions that drive their business outcomes now and in the future. Since joining ...