With project information stored in multiple areas, including complex spreadsheets with a single owner, visibility into their information was limited and forecasting was labor-intensive. The inconsistent and manual nature of these processes also made it difficult to track expenses and funding sources together. To simplify tasks and increase data consistency, the county sought an automated, configurable solution to support their cost accounting business processes.

The solution

As long-time CGI Advantage clients, Olmsted County understood the importance of a unified, flexible solution. With CGI Advantage Cost Accounting, they gained the functionality needed to transform their business processes. Whether it was eliminating complex spreadsheets or embracing the delivered automation, the county gained consistency and trust in their project information.

The ability to track special-use funds, like special taxes, and prioritize that funding within and across projects has made a significant impact on operational efficiencies. These funds can be clearly and simply moved throughout the organization to accurately track spending. Instead of tying funding to projects over a multi-day sprint at year-end, the solution automatically tracks project funding throughout the year - allowing the county to respond to departmental project funding inquiries quickly and accurately. Additionally, departmental managers have increased clarity into which funds have been spent and the remaining funds available for additional projects.

Streamlined access to information has increased data confidence and simplified processes across the county. With the ability to group project information, the county can proactively deliver insights to departments in a way that aligns with their business needs. This increased transparency has also delivered significant time savings related to quarterly reporting. By choosing a solution that is purpose-built for government, Olmsted County has been able to increase efficiency through automating and standardizing processes.

“We have amazing information in the solution, we know it works, and we’re excited about leveraging the full functionality.” - Camy Iverson, Controller, Olmsted County, MN

Working with CGI                                        

Without the right partner, a powerful, configurable solution can be challenging to implement. The county accredits part of their success to the CGI resources they worked with that understood their business processes and could articulate the “why” behind each approach. Justin Tank, Olmsted County Financial Systems Manager, stated that “the ability to translate a technical document to a real-world experience is the most critical factor” when working with CGI business consultants.

Organizational change management has been at the forefront of the county’s transformation. As they continue to adapt and gain more knowledge, they are proactively educating employees on the solution and partnering with CGI to introduce them to the art of the possible.

"There is a reason why this platform (CGI Advantage) pertains to counties, cities, and states. It is adaptable, configurable, and the resources we work with understand our business processes." - Kim Allen, Management Information Systems Analyst, Olmsted County, MN

Looking into the future

Olmsted County is continuously looking for innovative solutions to support their organization. Within project cost accounting, their next focus area is reporting as they strive to leverage powerful analytics to further increase transparency and proactively distribute information throughout the organization. Outside of cost accounting, the county looks to expand their CGI Advantage footprint. Their current top priorities include: fixed assets, expense management and p-cards, accounts receivable, and employee performance. We are excited to partner with the county as they continue to innovate and transform the way they work.