father helping child learn to ride a bike

CCWIS compliance and program transformation

Child Welfare agencies around the country are facing unprecedented practice and program transformation. Many of these changes have been driven by regulatory modifications like the Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) final rule in 2016 and the Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA) in 2018.

Adjusting to these changes requires unconventional thinking to maximize funding and resources to better serve families – a challenge that calls for a new kind of solution and a seasoned partner.

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Equipping child welfare professionals

Technology and best practices have changed over time, but the underlying principles that drive our work have remained the same. CGI believes in empowering child welfare professionals to focus on the things that make a difference in protecting children and assisting families. CGI has a deep respect for the critical place child welfare professionals have in the community and we recognize the challenges they face. Our services and solutions are designed to drive better outcomes for children and families through innovative technology.

CGI delivers an integrated program, powered by a unified solution, to gain a holistic view of children and families across services to better identify risk factors and timely interventions. Our experienced national team of experts designs and develops CGI's next-generation child welfare systems to meet all modernization requirements.


Adult and child picking vegetables

of all SACWIS/CCWIS solutions in the U.S. delivered by CGI
child welfare client satisfaction score
years implementing Child Welfare information systems

Delivering high-quality, modern child welfare solutions 

CGI's child welfare solutions are built using modern, cloud-based technology platforms that are easily configured and can be implemented more quickly than transfer or custom-built solutions. Additionally, CGI has embedded robust and flexible analytic capabilities in our child welfare solutions as we know that easy access to high-quality data is critical to empower caseworkers to deliver high-quality services.

Configure-first approach

A configuration-first approach allows the state's child welfare program experts to make changes that keep the system functionality current without the need of CGI or professional developers, resulting in a lower maintenance cost.

Automate the mundane

Our solutions have the ability to configure multiple workflows and focus on intelligent automation which eliminates mundane tasks while supporting the equitable treatment of citizens.

Embedded analytics

Analytics are integrated into the core solution, allowing users to take advantage of data insights that can be leveraged to guide workflow or call attention to non-policy conforming behaviors.

Mobile friendly

Mobile-friendly design that facilitates robust communications among child welfare case workers, parents, and employers.


Ready to connect with our child welfare services team?

With over forty years of experience working with state and local government, we are confident that CGI is the right partner for you. Learn more about how we work with child welfare agencies to transform operations, improve process and enhance the citizen experience.