Energy and utilities

Resource center

Why data readiness matters In today's evolving energy landscape, clean and reliable data is critical to integrating renewables, ensuring reliability, and achieving environmental goals. Understanding the power of data becomes increasingly vital as a result. This white paper will guide...

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) plays a vital role in safeguarding the public and the environment: regulating commercial power plants and the civilian use of radioactive materials. To enable efficient commission operations, NRC’s Office of the Chief Financial Officer...

Utilities are confronting a period of transformational change. The pervasive adoption of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) is driving the need to reevaluate how they manage power network infrastructure. Overcoming the challenges that come with integrating DERs, DERMS are here to...

With the rising reliance on renewable sources, the market for distributed energy resource management systems (DERMS) is evolving rapidly, but no one-size-fits-all solution exists for utilities. For executives, DERMS will become a long-term investment and should offer flexible, end-to-end technology...

CGI will develop a new, modern, innovative data management environment that will improve the collection and disbursement of federal and Indian royalties.