
Resource center

Bob O'Neil professional photo
Bob O'Neil

Clean data and why your organization’s health depends on it

2023-11-21 Data is the lifeblood of any organization. It informs everything from business strategy to day-to-day operations. But, like water, data can become contaminated and unfit for use. As organizations increasingly rely on big data and intelligent automation to become data-driven...

Assia Stoyanova professional photo
Assia Stoyanova

Becoming data-driven requires being people-driven

2023-07-18 Whether a small project or a large transformation program, how well an organization manages the human side of change dictates—to a considerable extent—the pace of adoption and how much employees and the organization benefit from the change. Manufacturers today are...

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Technology Innovation Practice

Human-centered design is key to succeeding in Industry 4.0

2018-09-27 Developing successful Industry 4.0 solutions requires a structured, holistic approach that focuses on increasing business value and reducing business risks.