Person sitting at a desk with several computer screens

Prioritize grantees with a streamlined and efficient platform

Grantmakers need a solution that serves grantees while balancing state agency processes and compliance needs. Built on the Salesforce platform, our grantmaking solution facilitates data-driven processes for grantmakers and grantseekers throughout the grant life cycle. We apply our public sector experience to enable intuitive and guided intake, review, compliance, disbursements, and program management processes. When grant programs are administered effectively, government grantmakers can focus on high-contact activities such as remedying grantseeker issues and improving processes in the grant life cycle. 

completed Salesforce projects
Salesforce certified team members
years of public sector experience and innovation

A couple sitting on a couch reviewing documents

Engage grantseekers

Collaborate with both grantseeker organizations and individual constituents to provide exceptional customer service via an accessible self-service portal.

Two people smiling reviewing data

Empower grantmakers

Enable government grantmakers to configure grant programs based on public policy, guidelines, and budgetary constraints. Automate tedious and manual processes so that staff can review intake applications, ensure compliance, and approve disbursements. Reporting via Salesforce and Tableau is possible for analytics across the grant life cycle.

Person smiling while reviewing data on laptop and mobile device

Create guided intake and review processes

Leverage Salesforce Omnistudio capabilities to create an intuitive and easy experience for applying grantseekers. Empower grantmaking staff with a centralized view of the intake process for comprehensive reviews, allocating grant funds, and checking compliance.

A person using a tablet and calculator to analyze data

Analyze budgetary and program allocations

Dissect grant awards, disbursements and funding requests via Salesforce reports and dashboards as well as Tableau. Integrate with government systems to align invoicing, pending payments, and disbursements. Offer transparency around grant benefits via the self-service grants management portal

Ready to learn more about CGI Grantmaking powered by Salesforce?

Connect with our Salesforce team to learn how we can help government grantmakers streamline the grantmaking process.