Department of information resources

CGI Technologies and Solutions Inc.

Company VID #154-085-6778-000

Services awarded:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    AI can include any one (1) or any combination of the other product and service categories below for the purposes of performing an array of tasks and processes. AI solutions may leverage information technologies including existing databases, software applications, application programming interfaces (API), and cloud services. Solutions may include hyperautomation, or the application of multiple AI technologies to deliver a solution. Examples of AI solutions include, but are not limited to:

    i. Fraud-detection systems;
    ii. Recommendation generation;
    iii. AI workflow integration;
    iv. Data management/optimization for AI optimization (data training);
    v. AI solutions deployment;
    vi. AI governance (organization and oversight);
    vii. Current and future state AI assessments;
    viii. AI use case development;
    ix. AI workflow mapping;
    x. Error checking;
    xi. Automated process mining;
    xii. Human-machine teaming and training;
    xiii. Enterprise AI strategy development and process study;
    xiv. Organization change management for AI solutions deployment;
    xv. Remote infrastructure management; and
    xvi. Training, support and assistance.

  2. Machine Learning (ML)

    Machine learning is a process that uses rules and procedures to provide advanced statistical analysis or prediction without having to apply explicit instructions. Machine Learning uses datasets streamed into models to describe, recommend or forecast trends and patterns. Examples of machine learning solutions include, but are not limited to:

    i. Model building/development;
    ii. Model validation/training;
    iii. Model testing/extension;
    iv. Solution assessment and evaluation;
    v. Development;
    vi. Automated forecasting;
    vii. Advanced machine learning algorithm development;
    viii. Rules-based programming in order to draw conclusions or direct an action;
    ix. Deep Learning techniques, including Neural Network methods used to mimic how the human brain functions;
    x. Deep network development and training;
    xi. Advanced predictive analytics;
    xii. Learning algorithm development (supervised, unsurprised, and semisupervised);
    xiii. Training, support and assistance; and
    xiv. Machine learning integration with Natural Language Processing (NLP) to process regional dialects, slang, and advanced semantics.

  3. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is when a machine does work that might previously have been done by humans. RPA may learn how to perform such human tasks by observing a human’s actions through a graphical user interface (GUI) to then be able to repeat such itself tasks directly in the GUI. RPA technologies may perform complex tasks by automating actions across number of software applications. Unassisted RPA, or advanced RPA that does not require any input from the user, is also included in this scope. Examples of RPA solutions include, but are not limited to:

    i. Process automation;
    ii. RPA Bots;
    iii. RPA Integration;
    iv. RPA Bot development;
    v. RPA Bot maintenance/support;
    vi. Business process automation;
    vii. Operation automation;
    viii. RPA governance (organization and oversight); and
    ix. Training, support and assistance.

  4. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    Natural Language Processing (NLP) applies to a computer’s ability to process and analyze human (natural) language. Examples of NLP solutions include, but are not limited to:

    i. Read and understand free-form text;
    ii. Text and voice translation;
    iii. Document analysis;
    iv. Voice/speech recognition and segmentation;
    v. Natural language generation (NLG);
    vi. Natural language understanding (NLU);
    vii. Transcription;
    viii. NLP chatbot development;
    ix. NLP chatbot integration services;
    x. Interactive Voice Response (IVR);
    xi. Optical character recognition (OCR);
    xii. Text-to-speech;
    xiii. Sentiment analysis;
    xiv. Automatic summarization;
    xv. Question answering;
    xvi. Training, support, and assistance;
    xvii. Real-time transcription with keyword-based searches and alert functions; and
    xviii. Voice recording analysis.

  5. Computer Vision (CV)

    Computer Vision (CV) pertains to a computer’s ability to identify and process information from images, including multi-dimensional data, video, and digital images. Examples of CV solutions include, but are not limited to:

    i. Object recognition;
    ii. Semantic segmentation (ability to categorize object types);
    iii. Facial recognition;
    iv. Image processing;
    v. Image recognition;
    vi. Image analysis;
    vii. Video analytics;
    viii. Pattern recognition; and
    ix. Training, support and assistance.

  6. Digital Assistant (DA) Digital Assistant performs tasks or provide services in response to commands or questions via speech or text (email, SMS, web browser, etc.). Advanced digital assistants may be programmed to learn from data input and continuously improve predictions of user needs. Examples of digital assistant solutions include, but are not limited to:

    i. Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA);
    ii. Virtual assistant integration;
    iii. Virtual assistant development;
    iv. Virtual assistant maintenance/support;
    v. DA chatbot development;
    vi. DA chatbot integration services;
    vii. Dialogue systems;
    viii. Smart device (IoT) management and control;
    ix. Smart calendar/event and other administrative task management;
    x. Phone call/ email or text message automation; and
    xi. Training, support and assistance.


Respondent contact information:

Contact Karen Smith;

To obtain quotes and place purchase orders:

For quotes and to place purchase orders, contact Karen Smith;

Internet Access to Contract and Pricing Information:

For contract and pricing information, contact Karen Smith;

Appendix C - Pricing index

CGI Warranty Information:

CGI is pleased to provide warranties for the services we provide. The warranties vary based on the nature of the project and the specific services being provided and will be mutually agreed upon with each customer.