Making a positive difference

For decades, we’ve partnered with business and government clients to turn AI’s promise into tangible and trusted outcomes—not just in labs, but in homes, workplaces, and communities. 

We help clients accelerate value by responsibly advising, integrating and operationalizing AI at scale. Using traditional AI, generative AI and more, clients are improving decision-making, operational efficiency, team productivity, and customer and citizen experiences.

Featured on this page are examples of these AI success stories.


Learn more about our AI offerings


  • 98% 
    accuracy in detecting brain bleeds
  • 90% 
    accuracy in identifying defects in solar panels
  • 91.5% 
    accuracy in predicting water pollution
  • $ millions 
    in savings from improved fraud detection
  • Minutes 
    vs. weeks to produce technical reports
  • 100M+ sq. km 
    satellite imagery analyzed automatically

"We have worked with CGI to develop a completely new AI-based solution, consisting of several AI algorithms working in parallel, to help identify the most common types of non-traumatic brain hemorrhage quickly and accurately."

Miikka Korja

Innovation Director and Associate Professor of Neurosurgery, Helsinki University Hospital


In our latest Voice of Our Clients research, executives indicate a renewed focus on revenue growth in balance with cost control and efficiency gains. They also cite the need to drive innovation, introduce new products and services, and improve the customer and citizen experience. AI helps organizations accelerate outcomes in these areas and more.