
Security in the finance sector: Whose role is it anyway?


Despite increasing regulations across the finance sector globally, fraud and associated risks continue to increase—and at a staggering pace. Thomson Reuters was recently quoted as saying, “Increased regulation isn’t just...

CGI’s Cybersecurity Practice
CGI’s Cybersecurity Practice

Best practices for building strong mobile biometric authentication


Strong authentication of mobile users is an increasingly important issue for enterprises and commercial entities. While it is likely impossible to have perfect authentication security, taking care while engineering an...

CGI’s Cybersecurity Practice
CGI’s Cybersecurity Practice

A pragmatic solution to the cyber talent shortage: Co-sourcing


CGI a récemment créé un partenariat avec Pierre Audoin Consultants (PAC) en vue d’étudier les tendances en cybersécurité au Royaume-Uni. Une des questions clés ayant été posées était : «...