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CGI’s Gaetano (Nino) Pace presented at the 2023 Big Data from Space (BiDS) conference in Vienna, Austria. The event explored the impact of big data from space on some of society’s biggest challenges, such as climate change and key policies.

CGI launches new Sustainability Innovation Lab in partnership with the University of Leicester.

CGI, in partnership with Ordnance Survey, developed an initiative designed to remotely detect sewage overspill events from space.

CGI is running live trials to demonstrate how integrated low-earth orbit satellite and terrestrial communications networks can provide seamless, low latency broadband connectivity on Britain’s rail network.

Tina Meadows, Vice-President, Consulting Services at CGI, shares how CGI Voice of Our Clients (VOC) conversations provide global insights that help clients examine their investments against their peers, against global trends and even against their past business priorities, to identify...

Three ways that space-based technology is driving sustainability and reducing the impact of human activity around the world

Launching satellites into space requires both deep industry experience and technology expertise to successfully and securely navigate such a complex undertaking. Since the 1970s, we’ve helped our clients with the missions of more than 1,000 satellites.

The European Commission has contracted CGI as part of a consortium to contribute our expertise in space and cybersecurity to help build the satellite constellation UN:IO.

CGI won a subcontract with Airbus to define the Payload Data Ground System for the Traceable Underpinning Terrestrial and Helio-Studies (TRUTHS) satellite, an important climate mission.