Johannes Sackmann
Johannes Sackmann

Liquidity management, as we know it today, will change


The global march toward real-time payments continues to accelerate. While banks prepare to make this a reality for their customers, one important factor is often overlooked—the issue of liquidity management...

Manoj Mishra
Manoj Mishra

Battle for the planet of the APIs


This blog shares three primary motivations for banks to make APIs a key part of their transformational programs: 1) efficiency, 2) monetization and 3) innovation. It also presents some API...

Steve Crowell
Steve Crowell

The true value of customer-centric default management


Bill collecting is as old as business itself. Debtor prisons are gone, thankfully, but sometimes it seems like the basic dynamics of debt collection have not changed much since Victorian...

Kevin Poe

A consumer perspective on FinTech disruption (part 2)


As first mentioned in part 1 of this three-part blog series, the rise in financial technology (FinTech) firms is having a disruptive impact on today’s banks, threatening their customer base...