Today’s utilities seek to become digital organizations having greater agility to develop new services and respond to ever-changing regulatory mandates. They also need to reduce the cost of running and maintaining their legacy systems in order to invest in their transformation initiatives.

An aging portfolio of disparate, legacy applications limits utilities’ ability to respond to market and regulatory demands while increasing operation and maintenance costs and reducing competitiveness.

These complex technology ecosystems require a modern integration framework to enable the innovation and transformation needed to thrive in a digital world.

Drawing on our extensive systems integration experience across numerous industries, we have developed ModernSI—an aligned and collaborative approach to modernization and integration designed to achieve transformation, without the trauma of traditional approaches.

We know that innovation depends on, and must coexist with, traditional solutions. ModernSI recognizes the need to integrate legacy assets with digital business and operating models. It addresses four critical success factors for complex IT engagements:

  1. Maintain alignment of purpose as cultural and change management is cited by utilities as a top barrier to transformation
  2. Employ open-shop collaboration with input from key stakeholders to realize the best solution design, and improve user adoption of the final solution
  3. Focus on achieving business outcomes by leveraging the best solutions across commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and custom-developed modules; start with the end goal in mind and determine the best solutions to achieve those goals. 
  4. Leverage a flexible, iterative approach to implementation, instead of a parallel effort, to reduce the risks and challenges of traditional implementation approaches